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QuickHits quick question
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:07 pm
by hitman47
Hey everyone!
I just have a quick question about the quickhits. I recently got the marijuanaQH and I'm fairly new to I-doser. Do you think that I would get good effects from the dose even though I'm a noob? Also is it a good dose? Thanks alot!
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:17 pm
by kr3wskater
I don't see why not. I've gotten stronger effects from the quickhits when sitting on the floor with my back against my bed and knees bent out in front of me. I breathe deeply and just focus on the sounds around my head. For me it provides stronger effects than laying down and counting backwards, but try it different ways until you find what's best for you. Good luck and let me know how it is.
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:22 pm
by Cryptopsy
I think the quickhits are great for noobs, because they are powerful and short. Due to their short length, they should be easier to focus on. I would be careful of MarijuanaQH though, because it contains some very strange noises midway through that can get pretty annoying. If it is your first dose, then I recommend starting with something else. Don't get me wrong, the quickhits are good, but the MarijuanaQH is better as a second dose than a first. That one is just not a great introduction into the world of I-dose. If you're brand new, I would start with quickhappy or Nitrous.
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:27 pm
by kr3wskater
Oh ya, i almost forgot that people were saying it had some weird noises in it, but i still might get it anyway.
I'd say do hashQH or tripQH as a first dose, or even acidQH is supposed to be amazing (i've had pretty good experiences, nothing special, but others have had AMAZING experiences with it).
Buy all 3, it's only $13 or so, and you even get a 10% off coupon in your inbox when you make an account at the i-doser storem so cheaper. I'd say get those 3 and marijuanaQH, for about $15 w/ unlimited reusals it's worth it when you think of all the times you sit at home bored out of your mind with nothing to do.
Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:44 pm
by hitman47
Thanks for all the help!
And this isn't my first dose i've tried ecstacy to GREAT effect and nitrous to some degree of effect. SO far I love I-doser! Best thing on the Internet!
I'm going to go try it and thanks again you guys have been great.