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Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:15 pm
by kr3wskater
Hey guys, I've been interested in shrooms for awhile now, but psilocybes are damn near impossible to get here (especially this time of year). I was wondering if anyone here has tried amanitas? I've read alot about them and the experience, and i know it's a lot different than psilocybes but it sounds good in low to moderate doses (not a trip really, more philosophical with less visuals is what i've heard). I can get an oz of A+ grade for $16, but i've also heard pantherinas are better, which i can get for $26. Anyone wanna share experiences?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:39 pm
by Phoenixrising23
I wouldn't bark up that tree, seeing as muscimol and ibotenic acid work as deleriants. If we know anything about deleriants, is that it's probably pretty easy to die. (Jamestown, Jimsonweed[datura], not only did people OD, they became violent. I believe some people got murdered too.)

Now I'd say between Datura and Amanita, I'd pick amanita, but then again.. I have a relative sense of delayed gratifcation.

If you're a seasoned spiritual user pf entheogens, they have a shamanic history, you might want to pursue them. Baking them increases their potency, unlike psilocybes.

the muscarine will give you the negative side effects: nause,chills, excessive salivation,sweating, etc. Can't really be prevented.

I would personally just wait for a paycheck and set a quality mushroom grower's op. I grew an awesome set. Amazonian. 1g and you're set, no negatives. pantherinas do have mo ibo btw, so if you do buy them, get those, go slowly, like it's your first time drinking and you're 90 lbs with and empty stomach...

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:49 pm
by kr3wskater
i wouldnt really go comparing scopolamine to amanitas, but i get what you're saying. I'd rather get amanitas than salvia leaf (which is what i can't decide). I'm not looking for a trip, if i wanted one i have other means of doing that, i'm looking for something a little more spiritual/philosophical (i know salvia can be, but i don't want anything overly intense, which is why i'd get leaves and mix with some other mellow herbs). I've heard that in low doses with some milk thistle amanitas aren't really too dangerous...

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:24 pm
by Phoenixrising23
Have you considered Ayahuasca?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:35 am
by militiaman
well technically ahayuasca is a different experience than mushrooms, as it is 5-MeO-DMT.

If you want to have a "fun" trip, go for psilocybes. if you want to have a visionary trip go for amanitas. I haven't done amanitas, the herb shop a few blocks down sells them, but I don't have any friends brave enough to try them and my gf would kill me... She is really not into all the plants I love.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:41 am
by rabbithands
the amanitas from that herb shop are most likely non-psychoactive. A friend of mine got some "amanitas" from a head shop, with red, white-spotted caps and everything, and they didn't do jack shit. I would personally wait until psilocybes become more available.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:09 am
by gnomes
the amanitas do act somewhat as a deleriant, but as long as you are under a controlled dose you dont have to worry about od or violence. since this isnt mideval syria in preparation for an epic battle i dont think you need to worrie about unexpected violence. if done right the amanitas can have a really nice experience. i would try making a tea or something with them rather than eating them... nicer on the stomach. i dont know where you are so that psilocybes are unavailable, but ayhawasca is probably going to be even harder to get although it would be something awesome to try. its made of dmt containing plants and the ayhawasca vine which grows in south america somewhere.

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:30 pm
by Idosing
I got really sick when I ingested aminitas. I prefer the ol Cubenisis.( Spores and grow kits everywhere online)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:25 pm
by sharperguy
militiaman wrote:well technically ahayuasca is a different experience than mushrooms, as it is 5-MeO-DMT.
Ayahuasca is DMT, 5-MeO-DMT is quite different I believe.

From what I've heard it's not particularly recreational, and incredibly earth shattering.