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Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:13 am
by Bullet Pulse
Deleted by admin.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:29 pm
by Bullet Pulse
abuser... wrote:Yeah. We all have. The fast heartbeat thing is present in almost all the doses you take and is just a mild side effect. Nothing really big tho. And if I were you (which Im not) I would probably do one dose a night, and buy the 50 dollar thing in which you get practically all the doses (safe for Hand of God) but its really worth it and is better than wasting your money on individual doses.

That's just my opinion on the matter.

Happy dosing,
So I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was listen to reset, and that felt pretty normal and good. And then I listened to A-Bomb.....

WOW xD!!!!!

It started and I could feel myself getting really relaxed, on the first tone change my legs started like sinking into the bed and my whole body limb by limb was starting to like stick to the bed and get really heavy.

On the second major tone change, my legs started twitching very erratically and that twitch went up my whole body, but my legs felt so heavy it was crazy. When I got to last tone change, where it gets to like a really bright sound, it felt like I was flying, and a few times I imagined my matress flipping over long-ways, and it really felt like the matress was about to flip me, and the head of my bed started to go up, and the bottom near my feet went down.

Shortly after that my mom was knocking on the door like 50 times in a row, and I said "ok mom coming", and shortly after, the dose was finished and my dad unlocked the door and came in at the same. After I took off the headphones, I laughed alot and rolled over, putting pillows over my mouth and I felt so good. :cool:

It worked so good I decided to buy the full set :-D and I cant wait till tonight to try it again....
Or should I try something else this time? :evil:
Im also gonna only do one dose at night like you said.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:42 pm
by Bullet Pulse
abuser... wrote:Haha. Dude, thats freaking awesome. Oh and for buying all those doses, your money is definately gonna be well spent. Thats what I did, and I love myself for conjuring the money to buy it. Your gonna have a blast, and also, it's really good to use reset before a dose like you are using. Keep up the dosing and have fun with it!!!
Should I take A-bomb again tonight?? Or do you have other suggestions?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:40 pm
by Bullet Pulse
abuser... wrote:Since you bought all the good doses, if I were you, I'd do vico, since it works for about everyone. Trust me, you won't be dissapointed in it. If not do either white crosses or black sunshine as they are also both AMAZING doses. You'll enjoy white crosses a lot if you liked abomb.

Have fun, and post your experience of whichever one you try tomorrow or tonight after you do the dose so that you remember exactly what happened during the dose.

Ok i'll try the Vico tonight 8). Should I start a new thread afterwards, like " My vico experience"?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:50 am
by Bullet Pulse
Bleh. Last night I got in bed at 11:30 and listened to Reset. After that was over I got up for a bit to stretch and stuff.

Then, I put in Vico, and listened to it for about 10 minutes, and I was easily getting into a trance feeling, and guess what... I fell asleep! :oops:

Basically, im going to have to try this again tonight. Maybe I should listen to French Roast before Reset, and then take the dose? Last time I used French Roast at night, I couldn't fall asleep till 4:30am :D . It seems like it's either that, or prop up some pillows, so im sitting up instead of laying down flat?
