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[LOG] Get out of that freakin' body!

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:39 pm
by Hakkersszz
Welcome to this brand new original I-doser log.

Yes, the idea of a log is one I copied, but no one has done the kind of log before that I am about to do.

I really want to have a Lucid Dream or OBE.
So hey, why not use I-Doser!?

The log will be updated right before taking the next dose.
Why not after? Dunnow...

So grab some popcorn and coke and enjoy it!


Goal: Get an OBE or Lucid Dream
Total Nights That I Am Willing to Spend: As long as it takes

22-03-08 -=- Night one:
Dose: Astral Projection
Environment: Dark room, 1.5 hr before going to bed
Mental Condition: Not tired


Night two:

(TBA = To Be Announced)


Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:58 am
by divinorum
Cool, this is one subject I am really interested in. I am a little skeptical about OBE, but Lucid Dream is definatley one that I believe in. Now, if I were you shoot for Lucid Dreams first so that way you have a base of concentration that you will need for an OBE (supposing they are real). PS: You took Astral Projection, which is a completely different thing. It is supposed to project you onto an Astral plane. Stick with the OBE and Lucid Dream doses.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:16 am
by Hakkersszz
O lol, i thought it was the same.. :)

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:51 am
by -steinz
In theory, it is, since leaving the body is nothing but a LD, but normally you can control (partially or totally) LD's...

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:45 pm
by divinorum
-steinz wrote:In theory, it is, since leaving the body is nothing but a LD, but normally you can control (partially or totally) LD's...
Thats where I am iffy with the whole OBE thing, because anyone can have a dream about leaving their body, but some people can describe details about what is going on while they are supposedly asleep. Besides that some people belive that Astral projection is where one projects themselves into an alternate plane. Anway there is a whole thread on this forum where people argue about what it is exactly.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:51 pm
by JohnnyTheHero
Yeah this log idea is awesome!

But i have a question, i believe in the lucid dreams dose cause I tried it one night, fell asleep to it and had a minor lucid effect, I was able to like land tricks in my head and stuff and really control how I skated. (yeah I had a dream I was skateboarding)

Buy I have a question for people who know about OBEs, and Astral projections, What happens when you leave your body and like you freak out?

What if like I opened my eyes while I was outside my body would I be stuck there? haha Idk just got some concerns I want to try the dose OBE but I am a bit afraid! I fear like not being able to return like I don't unerstand how to go back into my body haha. idk

but thanks keep up the log idea.

Also does anyone know like if peyote will work for me if lsd didn't?

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:20 pm
by CHimasterwang
If you get frightened the effect of being outside of your body might just go away =P
You probibly cant get stuck outside your body since you probibly arnt actually outside your body =P

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:00 am
by ChloeNothing
I found this pretty neat faq on lucid dreaming.