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Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:28 pm
by el_frenesi
Hola gente! soy nuevo en esto del i-doser... un amigo de la costa me comentó brevemente de esto en las vacaciones pero recién el domingo lo encontré al buscarlo...

debo decir que no tengo auriculares apropiados y que estoy usando el i-doser sentado frente a la pc:

alcohol: no lo escuché entero pero a los 5 minutos de comenzado me empecé a reir solo... luego solo pesadez de cabeza... lo saqué a los 15 minutos (usado el domingo a la noche)

content: genial! mis preocupaciones sonaban en voz baja en mi cabeza... y me quedó la mente clara y en blanco. (domingo a la noche)

luego me contacté con mi amigo, quien me paso algunos...

quickhappy: nunca tuve una clase de gimnasia tan perfecta ni hablé tan rápido y claro como ese día(lunes a la mañana)

nitrous: no funcionó... tal vez por no usar el reset

proxium: lo use esta mañana... durante 3 horas no sentí nada en la escuela... cuando alguno de mis amigos contaba algún chiste apenas si sonreía levemente...

conclusión: I-doser es genial!... pero hay que dejar que el cerebro lo asimile para sentirlo de verdad...



Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:17 pm
by ethan1134

Que beuno! Tu experience de i-doser no es typical, pero tu eres afortunao. Yo no se si alguein en los forums hablo espanol, y yo no estoy con soltura. Si usted habla inglés, traduce su escritura para conseguir más respuestas.

Ok, i'll do my best to translate that WITHOUT a search engine translator.

Hello people! I'm net to i-doser. My friend commented on it and listened to it during a vacation on sunday...idk, im not that good at spanish.

I should not have ____apptopriate and used it on my PC

Alcohol: Not much for the first 5 minutes, i was head hurt a little... i took the last 15 minutes (used it sunday night)

Content: if i tried to translate this, it would be an epic fail, as if i haven't already.

later i contaced my friend when i was done.

Quickhappy: I took it in gym class, talked rapidly and had it the other day, on monday.

Nitrous: didn't work...maybe because i didn't use reset.

Proxiu,: I'll use it tomorrow, for 3 hours, i couldn't sit in my school. When one of my friends ...did something.. someone smiled and stood up. ok wtf

Conclusion: I-doser is (im gonna go with) great! I think it's a very good program, and true.


Ok that's a rough translation...spanish 2 people.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:44 pm
by el_frenesi
thank you very much! my english stinks but I will tried to translate the text.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:21 pm
by rabbithands
yo no se, tu inglais no es que malo. Pero mi espanol es terible. Como minimo yo trata, lol.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:49 pm
Hello people! I am new in this of the i-doser.. a friend of the coast commented myself briefly of this on holiday but recently Sunday I found him upon seeking it...

I should I say that I do not have appropriate headphones and that I am using the i-doser seated set against the pc:

alcohol: it did not I listen entire but to the 5 minutes of begun I began me to reir alone... then alone heaviness of head... I removed it to the 15 minutes (used Sunday at night)

Content: genial! my worries sounded in low voice in my head... and the blank and clear mind remained me. (Sunday at night)

Then I contacted me with my friend, who me step some...

quickhappy: never I had a class of so perfect gymnastics neither I spoke so fast and clear as that day (Monday to the morning)

nitrous: did not function... perhaps by use not the reset

Proxium: this morning use it... for 3 hours I did not feel anything in the school... when some of my friends counted some joke barely if smiled lightly...

Conclusion: I-doser is genial! ... but one must leave that the brain assimilate it to feel it truly...



a translation, sort of weird sounding but you will understand.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:20 pm
by rabbithands
umm ethan already did it, and much better too lol :)

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:45 pm
by ethan1134
yeah, lol thanks! i try. but yeah thats unneccesary to translate it again... if you didnt see mine its cool, but kind of hard to miss. want attention?