First time...Peyote?

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First time...Peyote?

Post by HydroBoy420 »

Well...I just tried i-doser for the fist time about 20 min. ago, maybe less. My friend let me try it earlier in the day, but I was in the daylight with my eyes open, and only listened to it for like 2 min. LOL. Anyways... I listened to Peyote for my first dose. I laid on my bed in the dark, trying to relax. I opened my eyes maybe 2-3 times but not much and it was only in the very start of the song. As I laid their for a while trying to concentrate, I heard a weird beat and I saw a flash of white light for a split second. The sudden beat never came back in the song so I dont know if it was working or if my mind was playing tricks on me. When song ended I stayed in my bed not moving. I felt a little strange but notthing very noticable. I plan on doing 1 song every day to see if any of the other doses work. Iam a true beliver in this i dose stuff. I just wanna experince it first hand. Hope someone replies and thanks for reading this if you do
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