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Early experiences

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:34 pm
by Shyatt
I only heard about I-doser a few days ago, and naturally i was compelled to give it a try. :P

I have seen on the internet many claims that I-doser is a scam and that it is all just a placebo, but i decided to give it the benifit of the doubt and try it out.

The first dose i tried was content, seeing as i had read i was best to start off lightly.

With content i had a bit of tingling in my arms and hands, and after wards i felt happier and urging to smile a lot. :)

The next day i thought i'd try something a little stronger so i gave SpeedQH a try, and immediately after i had the urge to move around and do things, and so i cycled for about 4 miles. :D

The effects have been quite weak and i think the experiences i have had have possibly been down to my hope for it to happen.

Any suggestions on how i can "open my mind" more to the binaural beats?

Shyatt :cool:

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 4:41 am
by repeldarkness11
Basically, you have to force yourself to stay focused without knowing your forcing yourself.. O.o

I know it sounds confusing but its simpler than it sounds.. Just stay calm when listening, the effects will take their course whether you want them to or not, and if you don't then take off your headphones.. :P

I am surprised that a beginner actually got effects this early though... It took me at least 3 doses to finally feel some kind of effect, so congratulations on your early success...

My last tip: Keep dosing... The feelings get stronger the more you do it because your mind learns to concentrate more on the waves, and if you are still skeptical that it is just your mind playing tricks on you.... then use HoG AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! if it scared me, then believe me... It WILL scare you!!!