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My first hash experience.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 4:16 pm
by Delin
Well, actually my second.. Cuz in the first time I didn't get anything...

Me and my friend decided to try hash(1 and 1/2 year ago).

Surpirsly, it gone bad, I cant understand whats wasn't okay but I heard that its like impossible to get a bad "Head"/"Trip" or whatever you guys call it...

But I just started to being in panic and unfocused...I was stressed as hell for nothing, just an intense fear with no reason...
Btw all this is from 1 bong puff.!!

I didn't want to try it anymore because of this feeling... After half-a-year...
I decided to give it a chance and guess what... Had the same feeling x2 stronger...

Now, I wont try it again for sure! but I will be happy for some explains - Why is this happens to me everytime I smoke?

I have traumas from that shit..

Sorry for the bad english.!

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:07 am
by Jazzer
do you smoke just regular weed? if that affects you badly too, maybe mj isn't your thing, or else it may be a mental thing. if you're afraid or apprehensive, it can affect your high for sure

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:42 pm
by davedesl
A friend of mine had a horrible experience the first time she smoked. The second time was just as bad, even after a single hit. She has since smoked weed on a number of occasions with no fear/anxiety, telling me her earlier problems were "all in her head."

I wouldn't suggest smoking from a bong -- the high comes in too rapidly for somebody who is sensitive to marijuana. It's better to share a joint between friends. Also, you may want to try smoking bud instead of hash. Also make sure to be in a good "set and setting" (which includes expectations), as it can influence the experience.

There are many factors that may contribute to a panic-ridden high.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:35 am
by Jazon
I may not be as old as you, but I do know what oyu're talking about. When I was 12, I first tried weed and nothing happened, so i got over confident and the second time i did it, i took 4 hits from a bong. I went out to the living room with my mom and starting talking to her... I got caught. Half way through the conversation i just went all tingly and my mind kept skipping and i just wanted to lay down and die. My heart started racing and body starting freaking out. After that, I said to myself, " I'm done with this shit ". But sure enough, 8 months later I wanted to try it again, thinking... Hey, I was just young and dumb, this time it aught to be better. It was just all in my head. guess what? I HATED IT! My mind just went hay-wire. The next day I woke up and the feeling hadn't gone away, so I was fucked up and scared and on the verge of suicide when i went to school. Ever since then I've had very bad anxiety. Drugs just aren't for some people. I like to think of it as my mind is very logical and it doesn't like being altered. If you have traumas, see a doctor. It helped me. Being told by someone that nothing was wrong with me made me feel alot better. I made them take multiple blood tests just to make sure the weed wasn't bad or anything. Good luck mate =D

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:24 am
by wild00side
Dudes im pretty BAkked right now on Superhash
this stuff when i got it came in a little Canucks like puck of hash
and its soooooooooooo pressed
that its looks like Plastic
but its soo compact i cant smoke it in a pipe or joint
what i did for best effect
take a safty pin make it so the point goes up
and put some hash on the tip
and light it a little so it catches flame and then blow it out when it looks like a small cherry apears somewhere on it
it will start smoking and take a straw and put it up to it and start slowly inhaling the smoke being careful not to suck back the hash lol

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 4:14 pm
by pointless132
a lot of kids have problems with smokin weed but only some kids actually have a problem that gets worse when they smoke weed. For you im not sure but it sounds like your tolerance is very low.
Kids freak out when they get high cause they dont have control of their own thoughts anymore. This results in a lot of paranoia and a bad time.
Next time you take hash just let it take you and try not to control it.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:31 pm
by JimmyHendrix
Smoking weed is awesome. I dont see why these dumb kids are freaked out about it. the first time i wasnt scared second time i got fucking baked as shit. thats when i decided im gonna smoke weed forever.