FringeBenefits Journal

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FringeBenefits Journal

Post by FringeBenefits »

1st dose: Nitrous

This was my first idoser dose, I expected myself to get the effects as I was already familiar with binaural beats from Robert Monroe's Wave Series on OBE's I've been listening to for the last year. Listened to it and started to feel the effects about 5 minutes in, by the end of the 10 minutes I was giggly and when I took off the headphones it felt like I had just sucked down half a nitrous balloon. I felt awesome, by balance was noticeably off and it lasted with after effects for another 15-20 minutes. I was impressed for my first one, this was a winner.

2nd dose: Quick Happy

I love this little dose. I have listened to it about 5 - 10 times. If you focus on this one you can manage to get the vibrations to run up and down your body, I have this dose almost naturally encourages this act and you can feel it in ringing throughout you. I listen to this whenever I am in a negative mood or feel like I am getting down and this dose whoops the shit outta whatever I was feeling. This dose will make you grin like an idiot, i love it!

3rd dose: White Crosses

This baby is the bomb! So I am listening to White Crosses and from about 5 minutes in you can feel it starting to work. It starts with a tingling in my extremities and I begin to feel a tingling in my fingers and toes and a sensation like my blood is raising to my skin. At one point, there is an orange mass of energy that starts at my right foot and begins to move up my life. The energy is like a think warmth that feels absolutely amazing! It was like a slow moving orange mass, I could feel its density and than when it got to my stomach it dissipated and made my stomach tingly. I was having closed eyed visuals and at one point I am standing there looking up at the sky full of stars and its like I am picked up and just thrown towards space at high velocity, I am just chucked towards space! I am there floating in space watching the brilliant twinkle of stars and some of them start exploding in colors almost like fireworks. Just prior to this acceleration towards the starts I found I was able to visualize thoughts I was having very well, when my mind would drift I would see very visual images of my thoughts portrayed in front of me. When I was done with this, I had a noticeably altered vision with softer livelier colors and I was feeling the after effects of this dose for an hour and half after I took it. A buddy of mine listened to this at a reiki circle and when the reiki masters would put their hands on him he said his body and head would flood with brilliant white light that was blasting out of his skull. It's official, white crosses rocks!

4th dose: Trip

Late at night, ended up passing out, no visuals.

5th dose: Rave at a Rave

I was DD for my friends at a free outdoor rave during the day a few weeks ago so I brought an ipod and headphones with me to the party to have some mental fun while all my friends were on E. It was pouring rain out and I stood against a wall with my eyes closed just trying to focus on the sounds of the rave dose. I could hear the bass beat of the DJ in the background and it did not interrupt my ability to listen at all. So by the time 20 minutes in rolls around I am loving life, I have waves of pleasure rolling up and down me, my vision is blurry and I still have 10 minutes left! Kickass! So it finished up and I go down to join my friends and whoa babay! I am torn the fuck up! Walking feels like I am floating and like my knee's just want to move towards the ground every step I take, I have a warm buzzing in my body, and I decide to see what this dose so I put my hands to my face and run my fingers through my hair and I swear my face feels like it is melting in the most amazing pleasure. For an hour and thirty minutes after I listen to the dose it felt like I was on a kick ass hit of ecstasy. I was shaking for a good long while but it wasn't annoying, it felt wonderful. When we went inside to dark area's my vision was aura'd out and everything had a cool glow to it. The i-doser staff should have named this one "Sick ass hit of Ecstasy" because damn this dose was mindblowing! Rave at a rave, who knew?

6th dose: Reset Quick Hit + Ecstacy Quick hit x 2 while at rave

I figured if Rave was that kickass than Ecstacy must be awesome also. I don't know if it's cause of the outside noise on this one if I just wasn't able to hear good enough but I did not get what I was expecting out of this. I got a little bit of euphoria both times, nothing really impressive. Lasted maybe 15 minutes after the dose before i felt back to baseline.

7th dose: Marijuana Quick Hit

Ehh...I smoke a good amount every day and I didn't get much out of this. I felt a little relaxed, felt a little something, but did not get what I was hoping for. Lasted maybe 20 minutes after listening to it.

8th dose: Condition + Astral Travel

Fell asleep, no luck.

9th dose: Hash

Much better than Marijuana. By the end of this one you feel stoned with most of it as a body high. It's nice, relaxing, and well...stony. I watched a friend of mine try this and 40 minutes in he looked more blazed off his ass than anyone I've ever seen and I only smoke fire. I was feeling after effects for about an hour and then ended up passing out for an hour.

10th dose: A-Bomb

Was listening to it in the back of a car while on a road trip and I didn't feel anything. I listened to A-Bomb a day or two later at night and I felt something but it definitely did not drop on me like I was hoping. I am going to try this one with Condition first and see if I cant get some better effects.

11th dose: DMT

Not what I was hoping for from the godfather of all hallucinogens. So I got some minor close eyed visuals from this one, not clear like some of the other visuals off other doses. It was kind of like a milky apparition, the background noises on this take a little while getting used to because it kept making me think my headphones were squeaking and I was moving my head or something. So the milky apparitions didn't really start up until maybe 20 minutes into it, I was trying to do visualization exercises for a bit but to no avail. What I saw was like a living statue of the hindu and buddhist deities with multiple heads and arms only there were 3 different bodies on the statue all facing different directions. The different bodies on the statue were three different woman I had slept with a years ago. It was very erotic and the whispy character seemed to add to it. When I was done, I felt a little disoriented and went to bed shortly there after. I had some random dreams throughout the night that I couldnt remember the next day except for like single images from different dreams.

12th dose: Condition + Out of Body

So I figured no luck with Astral Body, figured I try this one. I made it all the way through both of em without falling asleep. My body was fully asleep and I was still conscious (the difficult part) but I was not able to leave my body nor did I get the vibrations to lift out of my body. Saw some white light flashes in the corners of eyes once or twice, didn't start into a lucid dream, very relaxed. Once Out of Body finished, I laid there for 10 minutes or so trying to raise my vibrations to no avail. Woke up, went to the bathroom, and listened to just the Out of Body again. Second time, my dog ended up jumping up on the bed twice during the vibrations and any luck I had bringing my body asleep was brought back to awareness of little itches and the like.

13th dose: Chakra

My sister listened to this one first and had some awesome results with it. She saw multiple flashed of various colors coming in to her vision for a while and eventually they started coming in as lotus flowers of corresponding colors of the chakra's, she said the lotus flowers would come in like a wave of color that would crash like a wave and what would be the splash folded into the rest of the flower to make it blossom and bloom. She saw some faces every now and again but she said it wasn't anything frightening. I listened to Chakra and did not really tap into myself like I was hoping. I started seeing some color flashes and felt very serene, my visualization has been tuned down as of late and I'm not sure why. I was almost positive the hallucinogens would have a killer result but a las I will keep trying. After the dose, I felt really cleansed. Colors were very pretty and glowy, might have been aura's but I'm not sure. Slept like a dream.

14th dose: Black Sunshine

Man, I have to do this one again because I didn't think I was feeling anything but than near the end I started to fall into myself and started sinking into the mattress. I felt at times like I was on the verge of something ominous, kind of an uneasiness feeling but than it would go away. A few times I heard some auditory hallucinations in the form of a low beating drum. When this one was done, I felt mysterious almost, I definitely wanted to feel that falling into myself sensation again and I know there is a lot more to this than my first experience.

15th dose: Valium

Listened to Valium before going to bed and it felt like a popped a valium. My feet, fingertips and lips got numb, I got a very mellow narcotic feeling and I slept like a rock. Woke up a little groggy also.

16th dose: Juice It

I've started listening to this in the morning while at the gym. I find it better than drinking coffee which was my normal pre gym workout. First time I listened to it, I was pressing some pretty decent weight I'd normally have a spotter with no problem. Every time since the first time, I am getting super pumped and I will even get jittery. All in all I'd say the energy buzz is there for a solid hour on full blast before it begins to taper off.

All doses that don't have time tables on them were taken at night before I went to bed so I cant give a duration.
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Joined: Thu May 10, 2007 12:53 pm

Post by -steinz »

You seem to get pretty good effects, ive been trying to get Rave to work for me lately, and all ive got is slight euphoria tho, nothing much. But i do it right before bedtime, so i dont stand up or anything. Cool that you got a floaty feeling while walking, since i only get it lying down listening to opium!
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