what is salvia

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Re: what is salvia

Post by motofreak36 »

Salvia by its self is not that great but i have found a small amount (of 60x) mixed with pot gives u the opposit effect of pot alone. like me im norm quiet and want to lay down with the mix i was talkative ect but my friend who was talkative was acting like i norm do. If u are like me it is worth trying or if your the other way and want a more relaxing high that try it just remember a little goes a good bit but i did use 60x lol
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Re: what is salvia

Post by dp100 »

It is a plant that when smoked has some effects on the brain. You may experience a really good trip or a really bad one. But unless you have people making sure you don't die AND you used other drugs before, don't do it.
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Re: what is salvia

Post by psychotropia »

It will be right that Salvia divinorum has a few aka names and they are Maria Pastora, sage of seers and Salvia divinorum itself and diviners mint and Sally-D and Lady salvia
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Re: what is salvia

Post by Kushbubbles »

So none of you really seem to have experience with salvia but i was foolish enough to try it. I Have experimented with Mushrooms, pot, acid, peyottee. on average i eat 7 gs of mushrooms, take 3 doeses of acid, smoke half oz of weed and i have only been daring enough to eat a button of peyottee. One night after work my best friend and I desided to buy some salvia from the indian reservation outside our village. i bought the xxx kind which is 60 conentrate. i get home we chill out get really stoned and then about one in the morning i deside i wanna smoke my salvia. i measured out 2 doses. each only 1/10th a gram, packed the first 10th in a bong ontop of a tiny amount of marry jane. i lit the whole bowl pullled till it was gone inhaled and held it, salvia tastes weird very weird but i wouldnt call it horrible, it depends on what flavor concentrate you purchase, i got strawberry. but anyways i held my hit in for about 10 seconds and i felt like i was melting, like hard core waves of pleasure rushed over my body. then a lady appeared on my left convinced me to smoke the other 10th so i did, when i held it her freind beamed down and took my right arm, she took my left, and the tore me in half, revealing the real me under the shell tht society created for me. they took me through their world, showed me the secrets of life, they told me nothing i new was real, this frightened me and i screamed at them, which pissed them off, they sent me into a 5 dimensional prison where i was forced to watch the "fake" me untill they could find a better punishment. i broke out and i killed them all, and married the lady who turned out to be the alien princess, when i went to sleep that night in my trip i woke up in the real world. this was the most intense trip ive ever had. Salvia isnt a toy. it is truly a soul searching hallucinagin just like datura and i strongly recomend not trying it unless you are fully prepared to loose your reality. Alot of people say they hate salvia but thats because they werent prepared for their trip, alot of people say nothing happens but that is truly because you trip so hard you wake up 10 minutes later with no recolection of what happened. Salvia is some strong shit and its fucking nuts that its legal. if you are crazy like me and want to your testicles to turn inside out, get some xxx salvia, but make sure you light it with two lighters! or it doesnt vaporize correctly, Happy Nutsacking ;)
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