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Is this supposed to happen?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:35 am
by Seven71ne
Hey everyone, well.. i kinda wanna explain when the last couple times ive smoked weed.. and hope you can tell me if this is whats supposed to happen. ((by the way, we only used blunts, and Bowls))

Ok, so ive known this guy ever since i was born, actually, he was born an hour before me. We went to daycare and all that, same schools, and were good friends. When i entered HS, we really didnt talk as much, only because we never saw eachother to talk to each other. my JR year i had my PE class with him. One day while in the fitness center i start chatting with him, and i find out, hes smoked weed. It was kinda weird to me, only because i kinda used to be so agenst smoking. But i always questioned it.. He asked me to hang out a few days later down the road, and forgetting about all hes done, i said yeah sure.. later on he starts talking about it, and says to me, dude, i honestly want to get high with you, weve known each other forever. But, if you dont want to, im not going to pressure you into it, or do it in front of you, i dont know if your agenst it. Well, thats when i started (april 20'th to be exact heh)

well, every time id smoke, i really wouldent notice anything out of the ordinary... other than my thoat hurt like hell.

One day, i hang out with him after school, we get together, both throw down 5, and share a blunt to us and another friend. And to me, thats alot of weed for the three of us. (usually theres like 5-6 people tagging along) We all sit and smoke it in his car, and maybe like 20 mins later, i look at him, and i cant concintrate, like i couldent keep my eyes still, they constantly keep moving. I started breathing really hard, noticing my heart rate jumping. I eventually told my friend, dude, Dont let me fall asleep, im scared out of my mind. We eventuall drop the other guy off, and like 30-40 mins later i ask my friend, dude, wheres "m"??? he looks at me and was like, hahaha omg, we dropped him of like 30 mins ago. and i was like ... really? and thats all i said, and i started looking at the road.

That the first time everything happend.

The second time i really freaked out. I smoked it with 4 people, and after everything started to KICK in, they KICKED in HARD!!! i started Sweating, and i had to have the window open and the wind hit me as we were driving, or i wouldent feel good at all, i asked him to stop the car cuz i felt like i was going to puke, later on, i just sit there, and pass out, not knowing what the heck happend...

Are these things supposed to happen? am i just alittle to scared, and i need to get more used to it? .... the second time really sucked... i honestly thought i was gonna die lol

Thanks for reading

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:39 am
by Ness
You had a couple panic attacks. Smoke less weed until you have a tolerance. Take one or two big hits and quit smoking until you feel that then determine how high you want to be from there. Definitely don't try and keep up with regular smokers.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:43 am
by Seven71ne
i was told on the second time experiance that i spoke about, i swollowd the smoke, or something... like i didnt mean to.. but could it really do that much?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:47 am
by Ness
Nah, you were just way too high. There's this mentality with pot in a lot of people that more is always better and if you pass on hitting the bowl, you're a bitch. Don't let them try and pull that. Take 1 or 2 hits and wait for it to hit you. Don't smoke as much as your friends, they have a tolerance, you don't.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:35 am
by Seven71ne
So i went and smoked with a good friend that i work with, hes like 6 years older than me, but hes a really good guy. I told him about what all happend in my past experiances, and he said the same thing. He said he had some really really good stuff at his house, so the next day i took him home (him having car trouble) and we chill at his house (which looks like the alamo haha) He said, i only want you to take 1-2 good hits, not that im stinjy, but i dont want you to get really messed up, or sick, or anything.

I didnt really get anything off the first hit, but when he passed it for the second time, i tried to keep it in as long as possible, knowing it was a BIG hit, and i accidently "Swallowed" the smoke, not meaning to. As soon as i did that, i knew i was high, i felt it, everything was numb, i was so lost, questioning why i was where i was, and again i couldent concentrate, like i had add or something, and my eyes wouldent focus on one thing, if i look at 1 thing, it would seem like i looked at it 1000 times in a row, it was really strange. But i liked it, weird enough. I felt a crazy grin on my face, like i kept smiling, bigger and bigger...

I guess this is just a start... let me know if this is more like it. :)


Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:30 pm
by gman6974
All thats normal man. Just takes some getting use too. My first time experience was crazy. My heart starting beating really hard, started sweating and then I felt like I was going to pass out. I was way too high for the first time. I've smoked about 20 times or more since then and I can smoke two pipe fulls within 30 minutes and I'm right :-).

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:48 pm
by Idosing
This happened with me too. The first few times I got stoned I couldnt really tell. But then I bought a vaporizer and started hitting that. Packing it into the vaporizer is really good.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:40 pm
by N1-Mass_Murderer
my 1st real experience was wen my friend had silver haze and i took 4 big ass hits... for about 4 hours, it felt like a dream. the next day i 4got wat happened in those 4 hours.. my friend said i was just mad layd back and i didnt give a f**k about n e thing

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:54 am
by sharperguy
Ha I remember the first time I got properly high me and my mate were playing Pro-Ev (Soccer/Football game) and for about 15 mins I though I was controlling the opposite team.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:05 pm
by trilithiumn
Hey guy, Just thought I'd throw my two sense in. THC is a hallucinogenic and for new user's the effects are pretty far out, When I don't smoke for a few weeks and toke by myself I sometimes panic a little too, but I just go listen to some feelgood music or anything to keep my mind off it. Paranoia is a bitch lol. But what I mean is I'll be smoking on the roof (live in a funeral home at the apartment ontop) or be staring out the storm door to the roofs across from me and I'll just start seeing shifts in shadows or lights subtly in the perephrial vision and it'll sometimes make me wanna go back inside and find something not scary to do lol. I'm not prone to panic attacks but If you smoke more often it does get less intense. Good pot can bring this out even in seasoned smokers. As long as you've got friends around you're good buddy just know they'll take care of ya.

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:09 am
by cameraboirzu
I panicked the first time I received the "head disconnected from body feeling" where you forget your walking if you're talking, and you forget you're being talked to if you're walking.

I was prepared for it the last time I acheived it, and its just fun. If you don't panick, you'll be fine.

Re: Is this supposed to happen?

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:48 pm
by dp100
if it happened it was supposed to happen. you did it wrong