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Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:54 pm
by roguearthur
Anybody enjoy this one?? I'm still new, so I'm not good at I-doser, I know lots of people complain of adhd/add (I can't remember the difference), but they are mostly little kids i think, I really do have it. but I try counting backwards because I think about the most random stuff when I try consentrating on nothing, like where i bought my headphones, or just whatever.

so anyways i-doser never worked, till last night, around 20 minutes into it, not sure exactly.. I felt, really weird. my whole body felt numb i guess, but while my eyes were closed, i felt like my vision was a kaleidoscope, and i was hallucinating, but I didn't want to ruin it by opening my eyes. It was kinda scary but really cool after it happened. Is that normal? just seems weird..

Sorry kind of a useless post. I just thought it was really cool how for 15 minutes i was just thinking about this doesn't work, after i always believed in it, none of my friends could get it working.. then it randomly hit me. have faith kids ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:29 pm
by Grogerian
Really? when i did insomniac, Last night at that :D i just simply fell asleep, it helped me relax more, and was the first working dose for me ^^ i wasn't tired either, problem was i slept for a longer time.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:45 pm
by Th3_uN1Qu3
Some sleep doses could induce hallucinations because before getting to delta (deep sleep) they send you through theta, which is the stage that triggers dreams.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:32 pm
by roguearthur
Ah ok, well i did it again last night. this time it was totally different, within 10 minutes. i kinda like..started.. "dreaming" for about 30 seconds, where i totally forgot i was listening to i-doser and then i would come back to my senses, i thought it wouldnt work cause i wasn't paying attention, but I guess i fell asleep within 15 minutes of listening to it. pretty cool :D hopefully it worked, and i didnt just fall asleep cause of normal reasons.