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Using nutmeg recreationally
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:20 pm
by jiimyhelm645
I know this is wrong forum but no one looks in the others...
Anyways i hear the mystirium or something in nutmeg makes you have a high if you take a medium quantity of it. I heard 5-30 grams will give you a good high. All that is available to me is the precrushed is that fine? And how much do you suggest i take for a first time and how to take it (im thinking in a milkshake). Ive read alot of diarys on it but if any of you have experienced it please share. And will i be fucked up for school 1 day after still?
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:34 pm
by wormomrow
Well, I tried this with my friend once, and let me tell you what you are up against:
1) The taste - like bleach
2) It's texture - it gets stuck at the back of your throat and makes you gag (i have only thrown up twice in my life, and this almost made me hurl)
3) Dosage - repeating steps 1-2 is impossible. We managed to down 6 nuts each (not full dosage)
4) The high is ok, kinda cool. You feel like your dreaming. Everything is just nice and you feel somewhat... out of body. But it is much like being in a dream (mental-wise). Everything you touch feels odd and you miss things you would normally feel (like a fan blowing on your face or something up against you. I couldnt exactly describe it, but it was cool. I didn't hallucinate though
5) EXTREME TIREDNESS - I slept 1 1/2 days away after taking the nutmeg, so be sure you dont plan anything the next 2 days
6) TERRIBLE DRY MOUTH - This is what made it not worth it. I had dry mouth for a week following the experience. Every morning i woke up with a plaque couting on my teeth and no spit in my mouth. There was not any saliva in my mouth for about 3 days. This is the worst possible thing to go through
I know this won't stop you and you'll probly try anyways, but thats what i did too.
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:41 pm
by jiimyhelm645
rightothanks for your help. so, 5 grams or so i found is about a packed tablespoon. Will having that give me a high at all?
Whats ur msn so i can discuss with you easier?
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:47 pm
by wormomrow
nope, you need 3 1/2 tablespoons for a good one. Don't go over or you'll get nauseous.
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:49 pm
by jiimyhelm645
I dont want a serious good trip just a mild one i guess though cus i have a party tonight and i dont wanna be fucked.
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:58 pm
by wormomrow
Well... it takes about 5 hours for the high to set in... but drymouth and red eyes kick in at about an hour after. I would suggest taking it at night and waking up high... but then you'd have to make sure that you could be safe in the morning and wont "get caught"
This made me extremely paranoid and it really made my experience... not as great. So always make sure you have a safe place to go. When you trip on this stuff, you are not going to be able to pass it off as you are not. It's also good to have a sitter or someone else who does it as well.
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:09 pm
by jiimyhelm645
So a lil 5 gram dose wont do a thing? cus im gonna put it in a shake soon.
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:12 pm
by wormomrow
A 5 gram dose will give you red eyes and a dry mouth, but no high. You gotta go for at least 3 tablespoons, but no bigger than 4 tablespoons
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:17 pm
by jiimyhelm645
right i tried a choc shake wit it and threw up after 2 sips, any good concealers?
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:57 pm
by MegaMontana
yeah, don't do it, that's what I have for you. it's not worth it, and you could have a really bad trip.
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:42 am
by jiimyhelm645
yeh why not try it just cus of the taste? I just mixed 3 tbsp with golden syrup and am freezing it in small balls now so i can easily swallow them, hopefully this makes me not taste it then!
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:25 am
by Master832
wormomrow wrote:Well, I tried this with my friend once, and let me tell you what you are up against:
1) The taste - like bleach
2) It's texture - it gets stuck at the back of your throat and makes you gag (i have only thrown up twice in my life, and this almost made me hurl)
3) Dosage - repeating steps 1-2 is impossible. We managed to down 6 nuts each (not full dosage)
4) The high is ok, kinda cool. You feel like your dreaming. Everything is just nice and you feel somewhat... out of body. But it is much like being in a dream (mental-wise). Everything you touch feels odd and you miss things you would normally feel (like a fan blowing on your face or something up against you. I couldnt exactly describe it, but it was cool. I didn't hallucinate though
5) EXTREME TIREDNESS - I slept 1 1/2 days away after taking the nutmeg, so be sure you dont plan anything the next 2 days
6) TERRIBLE DRY MOUTH - This is what made it not worth it. I had dry mouth for a week following the experience. Every morning i woke up with a plaque couting on my teeth and no spit in my mouth. There was not any saliva in my mouth for about 3 days. This is the worst possible thing to go through
I know this won't stop you and you'll probly try anyways, but thats what i did too.
Part six makes it not worth it. Drymouth and oversleeping are fucking terrible for your teeth. A common myth is that crystal meth fucks your teeth up hence the term "meth mouth" when in reality the fumes in your mouth arent the main problem. The real problem with meth is that people who use it dont take care of themselves and after a binge get dry mouth and fall asleep for days with their mouths open which dries them out allowing plaque and germs to multiply in their mouth. Fuck this, if I-doser isnt cutting it for drug-like experiences, then smoke weed. It's better than this crap.
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:26 am
by jiimyhelm645
Well im not going to get weed as im 15 and dont want to get involved with drug dealers and dont even no where to go to get it! So this is my only choice... btw i took the frozen balls at 1 every 15 mins or so and it took 1and a half hours to get them all down. it is now an hour later and i keep having reflux of the horrible taste and thats it...
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:38 pm
by wormomrow
When you wake up, tell us how it went...
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:54 am
by jiimyhelm645
Sorry havnt been able to access the site for a bit. With the balls it was 2 tablespoons mixed with the syrup and as i said not alot happened in the first hour. After 6 hours i noticed feeling a bit tired (maybe only cus i was tired..) and my veins were bulging. So nothing really happend... Next time try 4 tbsp? and i was thinking maybe to take it get some cheese and melt it, then put a tbsp of nutmeg over it and put another layer of melted cheese then swallow it?