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Cocaine Vs. Crack
Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:05 am
by Master832
I have not yet purchased the crack dose but Cocaine is a big winner to me. How does crack stand up to cocaine in the dose. Personally I've never understood why crack being stronger than cocaine is considered by most rich people to be beneath them and swear by the powdered more expensive version.
Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:46 pm
by imsobored
i cannot say ive used the crack or cocaine dose 100%, but i will say what i know about real drugs to clear that end up
crack IS stronger than cocaine. it is also much shorter. i believe it to maybe be the fact that it is more concentrated? i dont know the scientific reason, but that is my best guess.
the reason rich people use cocaine...
maybe because crackheads(i know a few) are pretty pathetic, so they dont want to stoop to that level. maybe they use cocaine simply to show off as in, "i can afford this expensive ass drug- im loaded"
my guess is both.
just thought id give my 2 cents.
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:10 am
by striecx
Try Crystal Meth It's similar to cocaine but with other effects.
I would guess the crack dose to hit faster and be shorter lasting.
Also a friend of mine told me that Rich people stay away from Crack because its more addictive than cocaine, because it enters the bloodstream faster hits harder but comes down faster also leaving the user with anxiety paranoia and stuff. and no one wants to be associated with tyrone bigguns