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Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:13 pm
by blackplague
I just got an ambien.. I heard it causes hallucinations if you fight the sleep.. also when you do fall asleep it causes very vivid dreams.
:-) so im trying this out tonight i don't want to try it right now because I'd be sleeping and shit..
anyone ever tried this?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:06 pm
by blackplague
it didn't do shit for me really.
i took it again last night. i was still awake all night.
i didn't sleep any the night before or during the day. so it should have knocked me out.
maybe i need one of those bar shaped ones... this is ambien cr 12.5Mg i think..

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:00 am
by blackplague
Okay Here is a trip.
one night randomly on ambien i was tripping like crazy.
I thought my phone was melting and shit like that.
i was hearing odd noises... I thought they were from the other side.
my friend that lives close to me.
I was at her house and she helped me remember the trip :D
it was amazing. It was like a drunk feeling, yet more sedating... then hallucinations.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:26 pm
by whenwillitend
I love ambien just not ambien cr. I will take 2-3 of them usually snort half of one (burns like hell) and then just stay awake. this is an environmental drug you cant be around to many people and you should be in dim lighting with no TV just music. lots of fun.

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:17 pm
by Idosing
Do you need a perscription for ambien?

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:44 am
by JimmyHendrix
Yes you need a prescription. Well if you didnt read my thread about ambien. well... OKAY. so when i took it. i fell asleep but i did shit while i was asleep like sleep walking. I punched my friend in the face. fell over like 30 times. went to taco bell and fell in the parking lot while holding my drink. I wanted to go to safeway didnt ask my parents and got in trouble with my friends and I dont remember a thing. My friends told me all this. Dont mess with ambien.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:28 am
by 420master
Im prescribed Xanax and that give vivid dream so Ambien must also.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:40 pm
by lucidthoughts
420master wrote:Im prescribed Xanax and that give vivid dream so Ambien must also.
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Alprazolam (xanax)

Are different classes of drugs with the only thing similar is tiredness.

Ambien is great.
Take 20mgs and prepare to forget.

Just be moving around and stuff when it kicks and you wont get tired.
It puts you into a trance.
If you close your eyes it feels like your being pulled into different directions.

I've had awesome trips with ambien and
I'm getting a 90 day prescription refilled soon.
90, 10mg Ambiens.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:37 am
by blackplague
shit if i had 90 ambiens :D
it's great i always hallucinate on it now.
i seen my keyboard turn into a bowl shape and it was really hard to type.. you also can get more aggressive on it..
someone was really pissing me off and fucking my trip up.. i said some things i normally wouldn't say..
i did have a high dose though 30mg..
i went riding around with some friends on a different occasion and was tripping and they told me the next day i seen things beaming down to me.. it was great too.
and it doesn't make you sick or anything.