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HEY YOU: Did you XPrience this Phenomena?

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:31 pm
by Alf
I was passing the weekend in my friend's house when the bastard showed be this i-doserthing! And I wanna let u guys know about my experiences, to see if anybody had some similar phenomena:

Anti-Sad - This one lifted my mood and cleared my mind, but dunno. In overall, this one made a good impression on me. I liked it very much. :thumbsup:

Inspiraion - Trully boosted my thinking process and efficiency. I trully loved it. :thumbsup:

F-Roast - it's OK, but wakes one up as much as a fast-paced music :? :P

Cocaine - While listening, nothing happened. Later I got "outside of my mind", like "non-thinking" - and that's really rare for me, as I'm always thinking non-stop. Even though, something was off inside of my mind, afterwards - for some reason I grew a bit suspicious of what this one was trying to do to my mind.

Brain+ - I was a bit mellow, pondering about things, but in a kind of lost, desireless way. In fact, it made me bored and a bit 'dumb' (distracted for no reason whatsoever), believe it or not. I prefer to keep away from Brain+ - Inspiration's WAY, WAAAY BETTER.

LSD - It didn't have any effect, except give me a massive headache from the weird noises and dizziness of hearing the repetitive annoying beeps and noises. :finger:

Hand of God - Basically, my body twitched a bit. I felt like my body was a bit heavy of relaxation, than being lifted up and then, when I though "ok, now is gonna be good, innit!"...plain nothing. I was deeply disapponted, but it didn't do anything bad, at least, so maybe it deserves another try, with more "faith" and patience.

Now I'm gonna use "Reset". If it doesn't clear my mind, take the confusion and the weird mind noises away (my mind is humming loudly like a radio receptor and a dial-up modem for days and it won't let go, as well as noises like birds chipping, as soon as I close my eyes) I'll be really unhappy with I-dose and obviosly quit using it for good. If it does (and I really, really hope it does), I'll probably go for Anti-Sad and Inspiration again but I'll keep away from the other ones, as my brain is feeling abused and complaining lots coz of the weird noises.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:40 pm
by Alf
Hey.. I used the RESET as I said I would.. and thanks god, it helped stoping the birds chipping inside of my head and gradually helped stopping the awful humming. :D
Well, actually I must admit I wasnt really smart in my way of using i-doser. I didnt know that piggybacking was a bad idea. :p I though this thing only worked while u listened to it and it stoped as soon as the noise finshed playing, so, well, i took around six doses one after the other, and the result was what i posted :puke:

So I wanna apologize to the i-doser team - your shit IS good :nod:
Well, a least some of it lol :D

I still recommend dose AntiSad (I'm not a depressed person or anything, but this lifts my mood for hours) and Inspiration (it rocks, u gotta try to know the effect).

Well, again, kudos to i-doser :thumbsup:


Ps.: SOME doses I still have a bad effect, and they still make my head hum and damn birds chip inside of my head. I just keep away from them and use only those which have good fx on me

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:57 pm
by N1-Mass_Murderer
thats good to hear... or read.. im pretty sure u need to listen to doses more & they become more and more powerful... the ones that give u a head now will work perfectly in a few weeks.. or months.. 1 month for me.. although ill probably never buy H:-DG or G:evil:H.. they're $$$