weird this normal?
weird this normal?
I have felt no effects of the doses, the only thing that happens is this:
-I tried to relax and close my eyes and found out that it's almost impossible to keep my eyes closed, they practically open automatic
- I breathe with the same weird feeling as when i get really sick in the winter.
- I have this headache during and after the progess.
- At 70% i always need to go to the bathroom and thats together with that i'm almost freezing because it's so cold
I don't think this is normal, and i really want to change it in normal effects, does anyone have the same and knows what to do about it?
(i'm really sorry for my bad english, i'm from holland)
-I tried to relax and close my eyes and found out that it's almost impossible to keep my eyes closed, they practically open automatic
- I breathe with the same weird feeling as when i get really sick in the winter.
- I have this headache during and after the progess.
- At 70% i always need to go to the bathroom and thats together with that i'm almost freezing because it's so cold
I don't think this is normal, and i really want to change it in normal effects, does anyone have the same and knows what to do about it?
(i'm really sorry for my bad english, i'm from holland)
Dutch: mischien werkt het op die manier alleen op je:/ ga voordat je het doet pissen en dan mischien meot je dan niet op 70% bij welke doses had je dit allemaal?
English maybe it only works like this on you:/ before you take a dose be sure to pee and maybe you dont have to go to bathroom at 70%, at which doses this occured?
English maybe it only works like this on you:/ before you take a dose be sure to pee and maybe you dont have to go to bathroom at 70%, at which doses this occured?
al geprobeert.....helpt niet.....en ik had het bij 5HTP, black sunshine, genesis, peyote, trip en white crosses.
nogal vreemd he?
(I already tried that.....that doesn't work....i've tried the doses 5HTP, black sunshine, genesis, peyote, trip and white crosses and by all of them i had this effect.
really strange...)
nogal vreemd he?
(I already tried that.....that doesn't work....i've tried the doses 5HTP, black sunshine, genesis, peyote, trip and white crosses and by all of them i had this effect.
really strange...)