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DMT - My Spiraling Trip Into Myself

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:26 pm
by james304
I did DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) the other night, cost me $20 for 1/10th, doesn't seem like a lot, but for DMT, it is. I got my DMT and went home, it was around 7 PM, I went straight up to my room, pulled out my pipe, loaded it with some of my fresh herb, sat back, and toked up until I was high. Then I took out the DMT, which was in tinfoil, put more bud in my bowl, and then put the DMT on top of the bud, set my pipe down for a minute, meditated for about 20 minutes to slow my heart rate, and then took the hit, i held it in for about 10 or 15 seconds, and then exhaled and DIRECTLY after I exhaled I was thrown downward and felt the weight of everything push me down, I tried to turn my head, which was intensely difficult to do, I looked at my pipe, and lifted it to my lips again and toked it again, held in the hit, and then exhaled, again I was pushed down even harder, making the effects extremely more intense, I went for another toke, holding the pipe to my lips, I took the hit, smaller one this time, I inhale, exhale, and then my arms give out and I let the pipe fall to my side and my whole body just gave way and I closed my eyes. This is where everything got crazy. I was looking upward, or what I thought was up, at a spinning vortex of red, black and white, just spiraling out of control, and every sound that was made was just echoing, bouncing around in my brain. I could hear a slight humming sound, that got really strong, it was somewhat frightening, but I knew just by looking that I was under the influence of a marvelous drug, and I should let it run its course. I felt like I was walking and swinging my arms violently by my sides, but I knew I couldnt be moving because I could barely move from just 1 hit. The spiraling had slowed down and I started flying forwards towards a light that looked like my room, but everything was fuzzy, and it was pretty far away, I looked around myself, but I couldn't see anything, not even my limbs, just darkness. I see the light get closer and then I can see my legs, but they are so far away, I can feel them moving, but I cant see them move. I finally stopped moving forward so fast and could see my room normally and I blinked a few times to make sure I'm still where I should be, and I finally come to my normal vision and I look down, to see my pipe and my lighter exactly where I dropped them, I turn and look at the clock, "Oh my fucking god!", it was 11PM, holy fuck, I was out for 3 and a half hours, the trip felt like an eternity of just intense spinning and patterns. I had left my light on, which I wish I hadnt because eating 2 eighths of mushies then sitting in my room with the lights off at around 12AM is the best feeling in the world, because it lasts until 9AM the next day and you can just sleep from there, after enjoying the amazing euphoric effects, but if you're looking for some trippy visuals, then go outside. Anyways, back to the DMT, I couldn't believe the trip lasted that long, and was so insane. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I still havnt. If any of you ever come across DMT, and its not $60 a 10th, then go for it, because this stuff is amazing. I am doing it again this weekend, except I'm going to go for 2 10ths on top of some mint leaves, and I'm hoping for some amazing effects, I'll definitely get some pictures. If you read all that, good job, I hope you have been enlightened.

Happy Tripping. Don't let the man get you down.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:41 pm
by Idosing
DMT is my favorite substance. I keep my trips recorded.

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:06 pm
by crystalsoul
reading this made me even more interested in it....i must do it

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:20 am
by subway
To everyone who decides to do DMT, look for a Christmas gnome named Lance. He can usually be found when trying it in oral form (the trip lasts anywhere from 6-8 hours orally and is much more in depth than smoking).

Lance is not his real name, but is his shortened name. I cant remember the elongated name,but He dresses in green and red, and can often grant you the ability to see the world in his eyes if only for a short period of time. You will then see everything with a red and green tint. It is extreme, and fucking wierd.

Lance is great at teaching you about things you would never have understood before. He can explain anything, and will have an answer to any question you ask.

He comes from a tribe of "Lance". There are a bunch of Lances, and supposedly only one true version. The king of the tribe. This lance is powerful, and upon seeing him you will be blanketed in a palace of complete euphoria for what seems like forever.

Lance can speak a million languages, but is somewhat bad at pronouncing his "L"s. Instead he uses "R"s. He will say somthing like:

"Herro, my name is rance. I am here to take you to rogu the rand of remonds and rearn you the abirity of Kender and Shrig. You're name is Ariogotumo, but I onry require you to use the first five retters of your name. Therefor you are Ariog the redicerous rearner."

He has been in my trips, and I have met him the first time I did dmt. When I have smoked it, lance has been in my presence, but never in visual form. And i would only hear him within the first 10 minutes of the trip.

The second time I did it, I did not meet him, which worried me, I thought I would loose my ability to think on my own, and thus would get lost in

The third time I didnt see him either, but the forth time, I looked up from where i was sitting in the garden, and I looked up and met eyes with him. He was in a tree about thirty feet away, and at first I wasnt certain it was
him but then he waved and I made my way towards him.

Ive read other people's trip reports on various siights, and about a month ago I read one which featured the very same Lance.
I was surprised as hell, and very excited. In my opinion this is a break through in my learning experience.

Tell me if you meet Lance. Be on the look out. And ask any animals, or elves or other figures about him, they should give you an answer.

Re: DMT - My Spiraling Trip Into Myself

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:44 pm
by xcadaverx666
james304 wrote:I did DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) the other night, cost me $20 for 1/10th, doesn't seem like a lot, but for DMT, it is. I got my DMT and went home, it was around 7 PM, I went straight up to my room, pulled out my pipe, loaded it with some of my fresh herb, sat back, and toked up until I was high. Then I took out the DMT, which was in tinfoil, put more bud in my bowl, and then put the DMT on top of the bud, set my pipe down for a minute, meditated for about 20 minutes to slow my heart rate, and then took the hit, i held it in for about 10 or 15 seconds, and then exhaled and DIRECTLY after I exhaled I was thrown downward and felt the weight of everything push me down, I tried to turn my head, which was intensely difficult to do, I looked at my pipe, and lifted it to my lips again and toked it again, held in the hit, and then exhaled, again I was pushed down even harder, making the effects extremely more intense, I went for another toke, holding the pipe to my lips, I took the hit, smaller one this time, I inhale, exhale, and then my arms give out and I let the pipe fall to my side and my whole body just gave way and I closed my eyes. This is where everything got crazy. I was looking upward, or what I thought was up, at a spinning vortex of red, black and white, just spiraling out of control, and every sound that was made was just echoing, bouncing around in my brain. I could hear a slight humming sound, that got really strong, it was somewhat frightening, but I knew just by looking that I was under the influence of a marvelous drug, and I should let it run its course. I felt like I was walking and swinging my arms violently by my sides, but I knew I couldnt be moving because I could barely move from just 1 hit. The spiraling had slowed down and I started flying forwards towards a light that looked like my room, but everything was fuzzy, and it was pretty far away, I looked around myself, but I couldn't see anything, not even my limbs, just darkness. I see the light get closer and then I can see my legs, but they are so far away, I can feel them moving, but I cant see them move. I finally stopped moving forward so fast and could see my room normally and I blinked a few times to make sure I'm still where I should be, and I finally come to my normal vision and I look down, to see my pipe and my lighter exactly where I dropped them, I turn and look at the clock, "Oh my fucking god!", it was 11PM, holy fuck, I was out for 3 and a half hours, the trip felt like an eternity of just intense spinning and patterns. I had left my light on, which I wish I hadnt because eating 2 eighths of mushies then sitting in my room with the lights off at around 12AM is the best feeling in the world, because it lasts until 9AM the next day and you can just sleep from there, after enjoying the amazing euphoric effects, but if you're looking for some trippy visuals, then go outside. Anyways, back to the DMT, I couldn't believe the trip lasted that long, and was so insane. I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I still havnt. If any of you ever come across DMT, and its not $60 a 10th, then go for it, because this stuff is amazing. I am doing it again this weekend, except I'm going to go for 2 10ths on top of some mint leaves, and I'm hoping for some amazing effects, I'll definitely get some pictures. If you read all that, good job, I hope you have been enlightened.

Happy Tripping. Don't let the man get you down.
wow that sounds incredible. for so long i've searched for dmt but have always come up empty, but sounds like one hell of a ride.