Had my First Lucid Dream last night. Amazing!!
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:50 am
I never used to dream or so I tought untill I listened to the Lucid Dream Dose. I was dreaming again!! Or just remembering them. Every night before I go to sleep I listened to it for like a week sometimes falling asleep in the middle of it but I remembered a few dreams every night dreams never the less. And each night I could remember more and more about my dreams. But it was never lucid. It felt real every time and I couldnt remember to do reality checks in my dreams like counting my fingers ect. Until last night I had an idea of making the lucid dream dose longer. So I did abit of research and I opened the dose in a txt modify it and save it to a .wav . And just made everything 5 times longer was to scared to make it longer. So it was 2 and a half hours instead of 30 mins. Anyway I played it and went to sleep. I woke up later last night right after I had a silly dream and tought hey I could change my dream I just need to remember its a dream so I went back to sleep dreaming the same dream and looked at my hand and had 7 fingers!! So I tought Finally!! And I just jumped up into the air and flew! It was amazing! I had a few lucid dreams last night to bad I cant remember every detail of it but Im gonna try again tonight cant wait to go back to sleep.