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Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:50 pm
by blindbake49
A few weeks ago I got the I-doser iPhone app for my iPod touch. I did a few, they worked great. Then I tried Aftermath.

At first, it felt like Adrenaline. As the pitch went up, so did my awakeness. By the end, I wanted to get up and run around my house for a couple hours, and I knew something wasn't right. I didn't crash. So I got up, and then nearly collapsed when the exhaustion hit me. I dragged myself back to my bed and just sat there. I wasn't just tired, there was something else there, but I can't put my finger on it, and I liked it.

I didn't really understand the description, was this supposed to happen?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:01 am
by raiders9406
hmm,i dont think it was.but who cares,as long as you liked it! just dont do it untill your ready to go to bed if it makes u crash so hard.

Re: Aftermath

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:36 am
by hopesdead
I felt the same way. I had a bunch of energy and then at the end I was suddenly drained of all that energy.

Re: Aftermath

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 2:46 am
by AaronHi5
Yeah it started as an adrenaline to me too, It was just tones that are screaming to me then I was flying up towards space with my bed rocket I am typing this right after dosing so any typos can occur, And As I reached the space flying up towards the sky, I started Rotating right With my bed then started the opposite side, Then my brain fu*ked up like Right and left after the dose
As I am typing this my eye balls are moving right and left simultaneously