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My experiences with !RAVE!... Unreal!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:45 am
by Cube
I'm not one to usually go around posting my experiences with things on the web, but after how amazing this dose was, I just had to!

I've been messing around with different doses for a couple days ago, to no real great effect, however, tonight, I tried !RAVE!, and oh my...

I must confess, I've done XTC once in my life so it was pretty interesting to compare. I did not think it was POSSIBLE in the LEAST sense to even come close to mimicking such an amazing feeling, but these guys have done it with sounds!! WOW!

I'm at a loss for words, feels at least 80% as strong as the real thing, and that's pretty damn strong. My entire body still feels amazing 30 minutes after the end of the dose. I also decided to put on some techno, and my appreciation for music is way higher right now too, just as it should be after taking XTC! If you haven't tried RAVE... it's a must, go, buy it now!! lol

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:57 am
by Andy_B
Yeah I'm a seasoned XTC user on the London DJ/Clubbing scene for the last 12 years but never more than 10 x per year and more recently once or twice max on special occasions.

XTC is so powerful and explosive that it would be impossible to get that full effect from this (I think) but maybe with more practice I might be able to get closer. I wouldn’t say I got anywhere near your 80% but somewhere around 15%, which lasted for a short period afterwards. When lying on my bed taking the dose I did felt cool, energising rushes and it was nice to stroke my skin or hug myself like it would on an E. I then got a mild serotonin like build-up and buzz near the end - very impressive and interesting stuff if not slightly scary!!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:00 am
by Cube
80% might have been pushing it, but 60% at the very least. I'm just so amazed that it hit me as hard as it did. In the middle of the dose I found myself stroking my legs and my arms and getting retarded (I'm sure you know what that means, where the joints in your hand just lock up and you don't even realize it). What really surprised me too was the whole music thing, I didn't expect that part to be there too!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:06 am
by Andy_B
I ran to the gym shortly after doing it so next time I'm gonna stick some tunes on afterwards (recommend one of Armin Van Buuren's mega-mixes :) ) to see if the after effects hold out a little longer.

What other doses did you have success with?

Take it easy!!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:10 pm
by Cube
The only other dose I've had success with so far was Opium. I felt pretty good and euphoric but it wasn't nearly as major as !RAVE!