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My experiences. [Latest: Divornium]

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:49 pm
by Heath
So I learned of this program and gave it a try. I was very skeptical coming in. I've never been one for any kind of meditation stuff, but the results so far have been amazing, if not even a little scary.

The first one I did was Orgasm. Yes, I'm a perv and bought several sexual ones. haha. It didn't do much, but honestly, that was probably more my fault. I took a potty break in the middle of it, so yeah, even the program said I was gone for too long. I need to retry this one sometime.

Next one I did was Ecstacy. I told myself I would hanker down, quiet my mind, put all doubt aside and just try this. Well, the dose was flowing around and I was still very 'straight' until.. WHAM! Out of nowhere, this indescribable feeling came out of nowhere. My whole body just felt... very very good. So good it almost felt like I was vibrating all over. The effect was short lived though, probably due to me flipping a lid when it happened. After the sounds ended I got up and was just... in shock. Holy crap, this stuff works!

So next, I took a chance and tried the "very very strong" MultiO. I warn that this one may get a bit graphic. The sounds started up and were really soothing. And in not too much longer, that good feeling from ecstacy was there. Things 'downstairs' twitched but it stopped fairly quick and the feeling faded. I was a bit disappointed but continued along. Later on, I suddenly had a very... how to describe it... erotically good feeling in my abdomen of all places. It felt VERY similar to what I know as an orgasm, but it was prolonged for a minute or two. It was very very nice. Nothing happened downstairs but I didn't care, it felt great right where it was. Eventually, this feeling faded away. I was pretty satisfied already, but the dose wasn't over. By this point, it felt like the dose was wrapping up by the way the noises sounded like they were winding down, but then... another WHAM! All of a sudden, that past feeling in my abdomen was all over my body, multiplied by a hundred. It was the most amazing feeling ever. Downstairs got.. busy. lol. No mess, though. Honestly, it was like the dose brought me right to the point of orgasm, and then froze me right after the rush of good feelings come, but before the jizz does. It was incredible. When the dose was over, it was flushed and felt like I had just been on some crazy adventure. It was awesome.

I also tried Marijuana QH last night, but I didn't get far. I'm honestly a little scared of the drug ones because I have never done any drugs. I started it up and felt stuff pretty quick. I had my eyes open and my vision started to cloud around the edges. A bit further in, I started to get a little paranoid about shadows in the dark. I tried to logically tell myself that nothing in my room could hurt me. Then, the dose went to that horrible scratching sound. It felt like something big was about to happen. When that scratching started, my vision went very very dark, but I was interrupted by how annoyingly LOUD it was. It was just too loud and I yanked the headphones out, and that was the end. I think I may be listening to the doses needlessly to loud. After I take them, my hearing is kinda fucked up for a bit. Everything sounds all underwater. I'll probably try it again, maybe even the full Marijuana dose. I'm curious now. hahah.

That's my experiences so far. I came into this so skeptical, so I was pretty amazed with the results. It may not work for everyone, but my brain soaks these things up, and I love it.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:32 pm
by crystalsoul
if orgasm gave me some effects, i wonder what MultiO would do

*thinks to self*

i gotta try this some time

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:32 pm
by Heath
A few more to add..

MarijuanaQH: I didn't really feel much for like the first 80 percent, but I ventured through, even sitting through that horrible screeching sound. Toward the end, I started to grin almost uncontrollably. As the dose ended, my grin widened into an open mouth smile. It was freaky. I felt kind of mood lifted, but nothing else that I recall. Even so, it was a nice feeling and I'd do it again, which I already have. Same effect the second round, an uncontrollable grin.

HashQH: Pretty much the same as above, although when I listened to some music after this one, I seemed to appreciate it more. But still no real 'high', I don't think. Maybe I'm not giving in enough? Who knows.

I'm not sure what else I should check out. I'm honestly scared of the drug ones but that's about all that's left, and even though I would love to try something hallucinogenic, I'm scared I'll get terrified or something, especially since I've now confirmed I'm surprisingly susceptible to these binaural beats. If anyone has any suggestions on what I might try next, do tell. :)

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:19 pm
by I-Doserer
What one do you think I should do all i did was nitrious and it was fun

IM New

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:56 pm
by EDDlE
Try Tranquil. That one worked pretty good on me.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:51 pm
by Heath
New one.

Lucid Dream: I didn't really know what to expect from this one, but I took a chance on it. The dose put my mind into a very weird state. Things I thought about didn't totally materialize, but with my eyes closed I could see extremely vague imagery and outlines of people I thought about. I sat through the thing and when it was over, I was in a very strange state. My mind was racing with thoughts and I felt good, but weird. As I fell asleep, I did have dreams, but the effect on them was the opposite of Lucid. They were so fragmented and out of control I can't remember any of them. I just remember that I did have dreams. Though, one good thing came out of it. I'm a bad sleeper. I have trouble getting to sleep, and the times I do sleep, it usually isn't the good REM kind. Well, having these fragmented dreams at least had me there, and when I woke up today, I was well rested and felt ready for my day for once. A nice change from what I usually feel like. So overall, I'm not disappointed. I know Lucid Dreaming takes a lot of mental focus and practice. Though I would have loved to dream about driving some nice car and 'driving' some girls. haha

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:26 am
by allceltictx
MarijuanaQH gives me the same effects as you - the smiling, and giddy feelings. MarijuanaQH is sort of all over the place for me. At a minimum I get a calm, pleasant feeling, and at max I've walked around laughing and feeling elated. If I'm stressed out, good old MarijuanaQH is a godsend. It seems to have a more profound effect when I'm feeling stressed or worried. i guess the contrast is what does it.

Don't be scared of the drug ones. I was a bit scared at first, but when you get used to them they're a lot of fun. Don't worry - just have fun with them!

Also, something that works great is to do MarijuanaQH twice in a row. I did that once, and man - I was MESSED UP - but in a fun and happy way!

Oh, and the weird sounds in MarijuanaQH that comes in at about 50% (I call it the UFO sound - lol) - when I was listening to it the second time I was so altered that I actually started laughing at that sound. What sometimes seemed like a freaky sound actually became hilarious to me since I was already in an altered state. After that, I actually smile when the weird sounds start.

Have fun and enjoy!

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:01 pm
by Heath
allceltictx wrote:Don't be scared of the drug ones. I was a bit scared at first, but when you get used to them they're a lot of fun. Don't worry - just have fun with them!
One I really want to try is trip and peyote. I really want to try something trippy but I'm nervous of it. I've never done any real drugs and never will, but I would like to have a bit of a fun trip. I'm working up to it. Nothing I've done so far has made me excessively scared or act up to the point of doing something stupid. It should be fine.
Also, something that works great is to do MarijuanaQH twice in a row. I did that once, and man - I was MESSED UP - but in a fun and happy way!
Tried this last night and didn't get anything from the second listen. Different stuff for different people I guess. :)

Thanks for the input![/quote]

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:18 am
by Heath
One more to report in..

Masochist: Since I've responded well to the sexual ones, I thought I'd try this since the description was intriguing. I'm not into masochism at all, though. Well, early into the dose I started to feel somewhat nice, but nowhere near aroused. Then the pain came. I felt like my chest was very heavy, and there were random pings of pain going through my arms and legs. Eventually my joints started hurting. The dose was working but I was not into it at all. I quit at about 75%. So, all in all, the dose works but the effects weren't for me.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:45 pm
by Heath
Tried a new one last night..

Divornium: This was a WEIRD one. I didn't feel too much for a while, but then my body started to have a vibrating sensation. Shortly after I started to feel a VERY bizarre feeling. It was almost as if my spirit from the waist up stood up. It was quite strange but also felt good.. almost refreshing. As this sensation continued, I found myself thinking about random events in my past. I also had some faint closed-eye visuals of random scenery. Also, that 30 minutes felt like 10. It went by so fast. All in all, a very puzzling, but pleasing experience. Definitely going to repeat this one.