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Is I-doser one-time dose?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:11 am
by silent516
I wonder if I-doser is one-time dose(throwaway dose) or permanent dose
and I want certain imformation about this.

I read some topics that effect of i-doser would be decreased as it was used more and more and finally it wouldn't work anymore. for example,
peyote works good at first time but it doesn't works good at second and it never works... :cry:
I hope the effect works each time I use it. is anyone who know about this problem? 8)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:46 am
by drunk-monk
that's funny...
dunno, usually it's the more you listen, the better it gets.
there might be times, when you listen and it gets worse on the 2nd time, but better on the 3rd. but that's whit everything in life :D ...
the logic is that, the more you listen, the more you get used to binaural beats and the specific dose itself, so the more your brain concentrates on the already known. the more you concentrate, the more your brain goes into a suggestive state, where it has little problem synchronizing its frequency to the beats.