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I-Doser and Vision Therapy

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:15 am
by diggler
Didn't know exactly where to post this. Anyways, I was considering the possibility of using I-Doser as a treatment for certain eye disorders: myopia, astigmatism, Amblyopia etc. The theory behind this, is that vision is basically mental, and consequently, binaural brainwaves may have some positive effects. Any thoughts, suggestions, comments or replies ??

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:02 pm
by Shrimpo
I am sure that this won't work because it has to do with the shape of your eye(s) for example as you get older your eye's shape start to turn into an oval type shape instead of a circle (which is mostly the reason old people wear glasses all the time) and it also has to do with the shape of your cornia... lasic eye surgery is really shaping your cornia by cutting some of it. Back in the good ole days when I wasn't even born yet they use to use a scapel and cut slits in around in your cornia and then for 3 weeks you ahd to walk around with an eye patch and a shit load of pain. And binuarel beats have only a temporary effect. Sorry about your idea. Bye-Bye