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How to extract DMT. METHOD : 1 , 2 ,3,4 and smoking tech.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:17 pm
by Idosing
This is for informational purposes only.

Method 1:Easy freebase.
Take about three handfuls of phalaris aquatica (Google image if you must)
And put it through a juicer. Than you take the juice and any plant matter in a pot and put and put a cannibas bud in the cup and let the water evaporate and the bud will absorb the DMT. When I say three handfuls I mean three huge clobbering handfuls.(Although this method you may not know how much dmt you are getting)

Method 2:Oral
11 grams of phalaris arundicea ( or more. Experiment if you are going to do this) And a gram of snt. johns wort and 3 grams of olive leaves. Boil all this into a brew and drink it .

Method 3:Crystals IV , snorting or Anal (May be creepy but its the most effective way. Wait about 30 minutes before doing more dmt if its not felt) Also snorting burns but it lasts longer.

take as much phalaris as you wish (arundicea and it must be alot) and mash it up in a blender and refridgerate over night. Repeat a couple more times until it resembles a soup.Then add lemon juice to it and let the water evaporate and it should be crystals. This is the raw alkoloids. You may melt this down with butter and pop it up your ass or you can inject it (have not tried IVing it)

Method 4: Freebase crystals (Harsh as fuck)
I am not quite familiar with the method but my friend says its effective. You take the crystals (alkoloids as shown how to extract in method 3) and put it in a jar with naptha. Shake it up and let it sit for a while then dry the dmt off and smoke.

DOSAGE: you want about 45 milligrams of DMT

SMOKING TECHNIQUE:Take in a large hit and hold it for ten seconds. Exhale. Repeat this again. You may feel really really bizarre but take another hit.Once you do this lay back and close your eyes. Prepare for hyperspace. YOU MUST GET ALL YOUR HITS IN BEFORE 45 SECONDS OR YOUR TOLERANCE WILL HAVE AN EFFECT AND THEN YOU HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER HOUR TO TRY AGAIN.

Smoking - 5 minutes usually (But it can feel like it lasts for hours or for seconds. It varies.)
IV- 5 minutes
Insuflating it - Usually an hour. But it is milder. Still I would have a trip sitter.
Oral- 4-5 hours. Ive only done this twice.
Anal - Never done it and never plan to. But I heard it can last up to an hour and a half.

Also snorting burns like a motherfucker. ALSO AN IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use aquatica if you are going to IV it. It will make your skin very hot and you can get very sweaty ITS UNPLEASANT.(I learned the hard way.)

For those of you who dont know IV means injecting. Do not do DMT for just another way to get high. It is a very pleasant life changing experience. Ive only had about 2 bad trips. And they werent bad I was just scared to death the first few times I did it.TAP THE SYRINGE TO MAKE THE AIR RISE TO THE NEEDLE PART THEN PUSH THE SYRING IN A LITTLE MORE TO GET THE AIR OUT. ANY AIR AND IT CAN KILL YOU. THE AIR WILL GO TO YOUR BRAIN AND THE VESSELS WILL BURST.



Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:37 am
by The Sponger
Wow thanks man!!!! i don't have time to raed it right now but i'm going to stsrt the proccess next week.

Re: How to extract DMT. METHOD : 1 , 2 ,3,4 and smoking tech

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:05 am
by crystalsoul
Idosing wrote: Method 2:Oral
11 grams of phalaris arundecea ( or more. Experiment if you are going to do this) And a gram of snt. johns wort and 3 grams of olive leaves. Boil all this into a brew and drink it .
well im not sure what snt. johns wort is but how does this product and olive leafs effect the dmt????

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:10 pm
by The Sponger
now that i read it i have some questions.
1. can you do method 1 with phalaris arundecea?
2. can i use something else to absorb the DMT in method 1?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:04 pm
by Idosing
1. Yes it can but I use aquatica.
2. Mhm. you can use any good absorbant leaf. Like oregeno from the grocery store. But buds absorb DMT really really well.

Re: How to extract DMT. METHOD : 1 , 2 ,3,4 and smoking tech

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:05 pm
by Idosing
crystalsoul wrote:
Idosing wrote: Method 2:Oral
11 grams of phalaris arundecea ( or more. Experiment if you are going to do this) And a gram of snt. johns wort and 3 grams of olive leaves. Boil all this into a brew and drink it .
well im not sure what snt. johns wort is but how does this product and olive leafs effect the dmt????
These plants can act as an MAO inhibitor. My friend made it for me and I had a really positive experience. I might post the experience.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:46 pm
by Idosing
I should also add that phalaris might have chemicals on it. So I suggest growing your own. Or where you know there isnt any chemicals on it. You guys sould also look at the the edit I made to my post because I added useful info.

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:02 pm
by crystalsoul
well im interested in the oral one only cause it seems the easiest to do...boil and drink. not to mention it looks to be the cheapest and less time consuming XD

ive never done DMT before but after reading tons of blogs about it, i wanna try it once.


so all i should do it take the plant throw it in a pot of boiling water with olive leafs and this johns wort stuff? then just after a few minutes or half hour it be ready?

could you give me a little more detail on this method.

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:10 pm
by Idosing
Sorry. I was baked when I wrote that. Ive been making edits since I was sober. But you should just keep it in until the water boils. Then let it sit for 8-10 minutes (thats the time I used). Then drink the brew. Oral can vary.
Its not a full blown ayahuasca trip wich can be extreme. Its more of a one color to everything / Blissful / other mild hallucinations/Mind expansion/Wholeness with the universe kinda high. But maybe it will be a strong trip. Dmt varies from phalaris.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:21 am
by crystalsoul
yeah i didnt think it would be crazy but if i get any effects i would be happy

now a couple more questions cause im a complete noob on this stuff. i hope you can answer them :x

*how much water should i boil?
*how much of the plant should i use?
*what PART of the plant to i use?
*maybe you could give me a list of good plants to use. i will look some up myself
*what happens if i dont use olive leaves
*and whats that wort stuff?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:51 am
by subway
for all of you who live in the florida region, if you are looking for a localy available MAOI, there is a passion flower called Maypop.

Its pretty hard to extract the neccesary from the unwanted chemicals of the vine, but it is worth checking out if you dont feel like ordering bark from south america.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:39 pm
by crystalsoul
i was hoping to find local growing plants near the waters edge XD since there is so many plants with DMT i imagine it wouldent be hard to find one growing wildly that i could obtain. i know some of them got other chemicals in them which i guess makes it a bad thing so i will have to look up more info on plants...which is where i was hoping yuo could help me out by recommendning some good ones.

i live in California ^_^

oh and i found out that Johns wort was a plant LOLZ....i seriously thought it was Wart Cream for a couple days untill i looked it up XD

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:04 pm
by Idosing
Lol. A cream? Thats funny :lol: . I can't really reccomend a sight because I live in canada and It grows everywhere. You could get phalaris arundicea at garden centers usually.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:39 pm
by crystalsoul
Idosing wrote:Lol. A cream? Thats funny :lol: . I can't really reccomend a sight because I live in canada and It grows everywhere. You could get phalaris arundicea at garden centers usually.
now answer these please >.<

*how much water should i boil?
*how much of the plant should i use?
*what PART of the plant to i use?
*what happens if i dont use olive leaves? or the wort stuff?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:06 pm
by Idosing
*how much water should i boil?
*how much of the plant should i use?
*what PART of the plant to i use?
*what happens if i dont use olive leaves? or the wort stuff?

Sorry I took a couple days. Me and my friend found "special plants"growing on a mountain and we were moving them somewhere people wouldnt take them.(Although we were taking them ourselves)

* Enough to fill the pot about 2-3 inches after half way. (My pot is about 20-25 cm wide and about 20 cm tall. Just experiment a bit around that much)
*Everything but the roots :3
Those are safe MAOI acting plants. Taking it orally with no MAOI will have no effect. Dont use dangerous MAOIs that is just safe and its easy to get.