Diphenhydramine Dependancy busted Partly thanks to IDozer

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Diphenhydramine Dependancy busted Partly thanks to IDozer

Post by Horrorshow50 »

Ok, so i'm 14 years old, and I have a naturally addictive personality. In addition, I also have insomnia :? . Anyway, short backstory; about a year ago, I discovered Diphenhydramine (Common Benadryl. Pathetic, I know). It got me to sleep fine, and was a huge relief after spending many sleeples nights tossing and turning. What I did'nt know at thime time, was that it was habit forming, and very, very bad for the body if taken at large doses (Hey, it was just allergy medecine, right?). Soon my tolerance grew, and I began taking large doses (Think 8-12 Pills) On a nightly basis. Once I discovered how bad it was for my live, and the rest of my body. I started trying to quit. But My insomnia was worse than ever, and I had horrible night terrors when I did'nt take it. And then, My friend introduced me to iDozer. I was at his house one night and he (A "Seasoned" User) Opted for the "Hand of God" Dose, he assured me that it was too powerful for me... I was skeptical. But sure enough, as I was watching TV (Him listening to the dose) I saw him trembling, I was sure he was faking.. but then he woke up and he was disoriented, and quite scared (I suppose this is the norm for that dose, sounds terrible to me). And I decided to try it... He had a few doses though, and he told me that "Heroin" was a good one. So I went along, i tried to keep an open mind. About halfway through the dose, I began to feel effects, and it was pretty abrupt. I felt a little tingly in my extremities(Mabye it was in my head) and I actually had some mild, barely noticeable visuals with my eyes close (They were entertaining, all the same). I was shocked, and really amazed when the dose ended. But... I was still tired. By friend said he had another one called; Insomniac. "Sounds Perfect, I thought. It started, and I was very hopeful this time.. and I felt something; Exhaustion, and I fell asleep. It was a great sleep too, still night terrors, but those faded with time. After that, I downloaded Opium for free with the IDozer application, along with Alcohol, Inspiration, and two others that I can't currently remember. I now use opim regularly, and it calms me down, but it dosent put me to sleep as easy as insomnia does. Anyway, iDozer has been miraculous for me, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for doses that might offer the following;
-Extreme or strong Auditory Hallucinations
-Strong Relaxation.

In addition I had some questions;
Is the "Hand of God" as well as the "Gates of Hades" As strong as it is rumored to be. And also, is the "Marijuanna" Dose realistic at all?
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
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Post by lamppost10 »

good 4 u man. peace.
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