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Opening the Doors Of Perception

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 12:27 am
by Horrorshow50
Ever since quite recently, I have been very interested in psychoactives and their affects on humans, more broadly; I have been interested in the way the human mind works with them, and the state we are in when we trip, hallucinate and such and such. I have used drugs. Some I used simply because I was bored, some because I needed to sleep, but mostly; because I wanted to get into, and understand that state. Most of them (With a few notable exceptions) only worked as either a diversion (giving me a quick buzz) or knocking me out completely. I wanted something more spiritual and more memorable.

I first heard of iDoser from a friend. At the time I heard about it, I had terrible insomnia, he reccomended that I used iDoser to help me sleep. I began to use "Astral Projection" to sleep (I still do). I was quite surprised at how well it worked, it occured to me that this might be a way to get into that state. I looked through the website, looking for a couple doses that would give me some decent bang for my buck I went to the Hallucinogen section immediately, the idea that sound could make me hallucinate really intrigued me. Two doses caught my eye. The first one was "Trip" I read the description carefully... "The seeker is convinced that, once gained, this awareness is impossible to lose, but inexplicably by the next day it is just a memory. Be very careful - your life may change.".. "Well, holy shit." I remember thinking. I was completely sure that this was an extreme exaggeration, yet still I shelled out 4 Bucks for it. (What a fantastic purchase) I decided to get the strongest one I could find, in case the trip dose did'nt work... I saw Bufo-Toad labeled as "Strongest" "Perfect" I thought. I shelled out 4 bucks for it too. This was two days ago.

Last night, I tried the "Trip" Dose. Ok ; here's a breakdown.
Environment: Lights off, Television on (I'm terribly afraid of the dark), midnight, lying in a comfortable bed with a wet towel over my eyes.
Mindset: Relitavely relaxed, but a little tense due to it being exam-time.

I lied down in bed, adjusted the volume to a relitavely low level (I find it works best at a low-medium level) and put a wet towel over my head. I find that this dose, and all other doses can be divided into phases, this is how I will explain my experience (to the best of my abilities)

The dose begins, and at this point I was still slightly tense, and very, very aware that the dose was playing. My mind begun to wander, and within a couple minutes, I forgot I was hearing a dose. At what felt to be around 5 minutes in, I began to feel as if my entire body was rolling on a wavy track, it almost felt like I was on a roller coaster. Shortly after this started to happened, my hands felt as if they were melting together. (Though they were at opposite sides of the bed.) Then, things started to get really odd. I began seeing people (with my eyes closed). Random people that were quite insignificant in my life. I'd see their faces for one or two seconds, then they would fade away. This continued happening. But then, I felt something touch my leg. This panicked me, but I quickly gathered myself. But I was going downhill again... and I began to sleep. I wake up the morning after, and I was shocked at what happened. I had one thing on mind.. "If that was Very Strong, what the hell is Bufo)Toad like?

I tried it that night.
Environment: Same as prior night, so was the mindset, relaxed, but a little tense.

This time I was nervous, but I started the dose none the less. I was immediately relaxed by the lower, more shaky dose. My mind began to wander much faster.. almost immediately this time. Soon, I began having intense closed eye visuals. First, the black void of my closed eyes turned into hazy blue clouds. Clouds turned to spikes, and spikes to mountains. And blue land turned into Savannah barrens. I could see mountains, but soon, the beautiful landscape faded away, and I was travelling through a tunnel at lightning speed. I fell into a twisty void of madness... and I must have fallen asleep, because I did'nt come out of it until three hours later.

I set out to reach a state of altered perception. And I succeeded. I also learned, that though it is only sound, it deserves respect. I can certainly see the potential (especially with Bufo Toads vivid closed eye visuals) for bad trips. Be careful people. That's my story.

Thanks for reading!