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New, How do you rate my current technique? Also a few Q's

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:48 am
by Staple
I recently started using the I-Doser app, I did TripQH and I thought that the first time I won't experience anything, so to my surprise I did have a decent experience.

After that I have only had one other definite experience and that was with Out Of Body, but only like the fourth time I played it.

Firstly I would ask some questions, after doing about 20 or so doses already and starting to get a feel for it I am uncertain about a few things:

1. When listening to a dose, should my eyes be open or closed? Like with some of the hallucigenic doses, how am I going to experience the whole thing if I close my eyes, but then some people have said that eyes closed improves chances of it working, I will latch onto this in my technique.

2. How do you keep your concentration? Listening to Out Of Body and getting an effect for the first time, I felt as if everything was moving, or I was moving in relation to everything around me, even the slightest movement made me feel as though I just moved that bit x 100. Closing my eyes I would feel as if I am drifting out of consciousness and into the dose, but then I'd think something like "Here it comes, here it comes" and it would stop. Other people mentioned counting from a number backwards etc, I found this even more disturbing than enything else.

3. Propably a very stupid question that has been asked before, but is there supposed to be a buzzing noise in the background, (white noise)?

Now my technique, please comment on how I can improve it!

First off I would sit in my chair, head in arms with the headphones on, or I would lie down on my bed with the headphones on (found lying down to be better).

Then I would start the dose and put sunglasses on my eyes ((to make it darker) can I keep my eyes open while having sunglasses on?) I have pimped them out by using soft cotton material to cover out the glass, as well as the arms which come over your ears, to make them as soft as possible so I do not realise they are even on.

Keeping my eyes open while doing a dose will be a lot better for me as it makes me feel more comfortable, are these sunglasses enough to allow me to keep them open?

Problem I think I am having most, is the fact that I am not concentrating good enough, and I would really appreciate it if you guys can give me some pointer on how to improve, not only in this aspect but in my technique as a whole.

Staple :-D

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:53 am
by MC_Kejml
The sunglasses seem to be a smart idea if you want to look during the dose. I'll remember that.