So how does everyone know when a dose is working for them?

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So how does everyone know when a dose is working for them?

Post by Cyarm »

It might be just me, because I'm relatively new to the scene, but I believe I was originally insusceptible... because I've been trying to dose for a week or so now, and I managed to actually get the effects for the first time yesterday.

I sort of just sit there, and listen... and my face will start to go numb. This has happened a few times, and I freaked a little, and shook it off each time... which in hindsight I believe was the wrong thing to do. Last night I just sat there and let it happen.

It almost feels like I turn invisible, and I'm not there anymore, and I'll go into a trance like state where I see a flash of light, kinda simmilar to when you do that thing where you push your hands on your eyes and see stars (Aww, childhood memories :P)

Then the effects begin to happen.

How 'bout y'all? How do you guys know when it's happening to you? Do any of you have the same kinda deal that I get?
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Post by PaperPlanes »

The first dose that worked for me was Tranquil. I was laying on the carpet and both my friend and I were trying it. It felt as it I were melting into the floor. I was very relaxed and I sat still though the whole thing.

After it just felt like everything was... okay. Actually it was kind of funny because my friend was hungry when we finished so I went to the kitchen to get a snack.

There were a bag of cheeze-its and a bag of ruffles, so I looked at the cheeze-its and said

"Alright Ben we have some ruffles..."

Then I looked at the ruffles, and I couldn't figure out what they were for the life of me. I sat there for 20 seconds trying to figure out what they were called, even though the name is in giant red letters on the bag.

You'll know when it works, you can't expect anything in specific though.
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Post by cameraboirzu »

I know it works when it gets harder to count backwards, I begin to get closed eye visuals (hallucinogenic doses) and I begin to notice more sounds within the sounds.
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