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Combining doses, several questions

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:47 am
by MC_Kejml
So, yesterday I was trying Nitrous for like the second time in my entire life. I am not much of a frequent I-doser user, since it was the third dose I used overall. Anyway, no big effects, maybe some occasional twitch here and there. Nothing major.
Then I tried Quickhappy ( I didn't know that I should use Reset in between) and my arms suddenly became a bit heavy, plus I felt a bit numb with some headache.

In the evening, I felt this really random behaviour, I was pretty careless and my mind always wandered somewhere. I even made a poem during work.
Is it possible that the events are delayed or was it just some ranom spree?

To my questions.
The other day, I was checking the doses that are not frequently talked about and wondered if someone could tell his experiences with them. I know I can check the description, but those always seem to me like some medical descriptions.
Doses I'm talking about are
Gray gone

Also, I can't help it but during dosing my mind always brings up some things I don't want to think about when concentrating :/ Any help?
That would be it. Thanks in advance!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:19 am
by JimmyHendrix
I am going to try demerol tonight and report back what I felt: Wish me Luck :D

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:09 am
by rsreign
well try to search in some online site that might help you in your topic...

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:44 am
by cameraboirzu
I found my own concentration technique that my brain has adapted to.

First, when you are all prepared and doing the dose start counting backwards from a random high number (566 for example)

Second, I wait untill I get bored of counting backwards.

Third, (this is the tricky part) I send myself into a trance by concentrating on the sounds, and listening for other sounds in the white noise etc. I've heard (people talking, the Mario theme, classic videogame noises, drum beats, a snare drum, and many more) eventually you will drift.