Black Sunshine and Morning Glory

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Black Sunshine and Morning Glory

Post by Silvereyes75 »

Morning Glory:
Took this one yesterday, first 10 minutes nothing really happened. I just felt pretty relaxed and chill. Than at about 15 minutes in i began to see violet splotches swirling around on my eyelids. Close to the end of the dose my mouth opened uncontrollably and I couldn't close it until about 4 minutes "after" the dose had finished.

Black Sunshine:
Took this one about 6 minutes ago, at first I listened to this one with my eyes closed. I could see the insides of my eyelids getting darker and darker even darker that the most pitch black I could have ever imagined. I began to feel like the darkness was engulfing me. I began to feel like something was in the room with me but couldn't move or open my eyes to see what it was. Than I heard maniacal laughing. Than I heard a loud voice yelling "Hey!" and i threw off the earphones. I had the strong urge to look at myself in the mirror, so I ran into the bathroom and saw that I had a big smile on my face. Definatly the weirdest dose yet.
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Post by lamppost10 »

Yes. Many people taking black sunshine claim to see a "shadow thing"or feel its presence. Look at this description of a few people taking it:

"Personal favorite over all, we couldn't get enough of it, It's funny to watch people on this. I was laying down and what seemed like seconds (but turned out to be nearly 15 minutes in) I felt something in the room. There was a pressure as someone pressed against me. I couldn't tell what it was, but for some reason I wasn't freaked out. After the dose over we all had many similarities in experiences, we all saw this shadow.. thing moving around. Some of my favorite things I've heard from people on this dose: "It's trying to fool me. Go away, he wont come out with you here. He doesn't like the light." These borderline hallucinations lasted from ten to thirty minutes after the dose was over."

pretty screwed up. I haven't tried this yet, because I am usually paranoid when I dose anyway, and I dose alone and I don't want to be stuck in a room with just me and a "shadow thing"

But it seems like you had a pretty intense experience. nice job silver.
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Post by Silvereyes75 »

Has anyone else done Black Sunshine? What were your experiances?
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