*Adderall/Codeine* Great Experiences Updated 6/15/10
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:47 pm
Last Updated: June 15, 2010
- Codeine
- Adderall
- Got rid of the "comments" on the doses
- Got rid of some of the experiences that were outdated
- Added link to the application dose reviews
- cleaned up some HTML
Application Dose Reviews: http://www.i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7014
Hey you! Yes you! The one with all the I-Doser tracks, who doesnt know which ones to try and which ones to stay away from. Yes, you. Read these so you can have an idea of what the doses are going to be like. No one hates anything more than reading i-doser's product statement as well as other experience journals that over play results, and you end up getting results far from what they were told, so here are all of my experiences, documented in one place:
Does it work?: I think it does. What do you think?
My Setup: Sitting upright at my computer surfing the net or playing on my iPod Touch. I use either $20 Sony headphones, or my $16 Skull Candy buds. Sometimes I just play on my ipod while I listen.
What I will be reviewing soon:
- Codeine
- Crack
- Serene
- More of the iPhone Doses http://www.i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7014
CocaineQH: (Overall: 7/10) #1 Beginner Dose
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=263
My "breakthrough" was on the Cocaine dose, off of Recreational Simulations 1 CD, that I purchased on iTunes. I later switched to the CocaineQH from the store, and I can find no difference in effect, except for the length of the two doses. Of course not like snorting a line of cocaine by any sense, I finished the dose twitching, and having small muscle spasms. It feels like wave after wave of energy is just flowing through you; its almost euphoric. I will cite one experience, where I finished the dose, jumped off of my couch where I was laying, wen't downstairs and began working out. I pushed myself more than ever, and was very sore the next day. By the end of my workout, I wasn't feeling the effects of the dose anymore. I wan't to say that either the dose is around 30 minutes lasting, or working out brings the experience down quite a few notches.
Marijuana (full dose): (Overall: 4/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=188
For some reason, it wasn't quite as strong as the QH dose. Possibly because I only used this dose one time, and never gave myself more opportunities to feel effects from it. No generally profound effects, but I did relax quite nicely during the dose.
MarijuanaQH: (Overall: 10/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=188
Actually, this dose worked a lot better than I could have imagined. Deffinitely stronger than the full dose; maybe because I can only trance for short periods of time before I just get bored. It deffinitely gets weird halfway through, but there should be nothing to worry about as long as you keep your thoughts centered and on positive things. I notice that the dose generally "hits" shortly after the "static storm" midway through. It's a dizzy feeling; you're almost disoriented, and yet you aren't.
The dose fades with a gentle hum, and you will take off your headphones. Your head is lightheaded, yet heavy. Your body feels like it just needs to relax. Your vision feels like it jumps and flickers when you move, and it does. The dose misses the mental side of a whole experience on Marijuana, like thinking about random things, and it misses the more creative thinking. I would also like to point out that aside from music sounding a tad better, entertainment certainly isn't any more enjoyable however, sometimes, somebody may say something that will strike you as funny, and laughter will just hit you; unfortunately not very often.
HeroinQH: (Overall 8/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=287
The dose first time I used it had no effect on me; luckily I kept at it, and eventually got it to work, on my next try. The dose doesn't come hit you hard; and at first you won't notice that anything has happened. The dose is almost like a ninja, because when you notice it, your almost hit, even though its not a placebo. All you want to do is sit, relax, and watch TV. Euphoria hits, not as much mentally, more physically noticeable euphoria. It is then followed by a very warm feeling. The dose is best to be taken when you don't need to do anything for a while, because you won't feel like doing anything for a while after you take it.
Trip (full dose): (Overall: 7/10 [for now])
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=205
Hokay, so, the dose was the full dose, as opposed to the QuickHit dose, that I really like. I got minor effects, however, they were not as profound as the quick hit. I assume its because I am more used to the quick hit, than the full dose. I'll deffinitely be tryin this again, because it worked to some extent. I first, saw a granny, sitting in a chair, and then her eyes popped out of her head, and I would keep thinking "okay, different thoughts, please" but then she'd just pop up again! WHAT THE HELL? Anyway, I would come in an out of trances, (none that are that great), and I would see closed eye visuals, and then they'd fade, and then some more closed eyed visuals. And then the dose ended, and I could FEEL my room pulsating towards me. I know it wasnt fake either, I closed my eyes and shook my head and looke up at my ceiling and it was pulsating like it was before. I then looked down at my hand, (expecting the normal effects) and kind of just stared, and my fingers began to dissappear. I would then move my eyes and they'd come back, so then I just locked my eyes in place, and all of my fingers dissappeared, and then my pinky, middle and thumb showed up again. Then my whole hand came back, but it seemed to "hover" above my bed, and glow almost greenish. I then went on my ipod, and the effects drifted off.
AcidQH: (Overall 7/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=262
Dose hit me at 34%. I literally wasn't feeling anything, then BAM. All of sudden I feel different. I don't know how to explain it. It feels like the dose has been playing forever too.
51% I'm having trouble typing stuff. I'm making typos and can't focus on what I'm trying to do. My eyes keep losing focus as well. Tones just changed. It felt like time was going really slowly, and then I became aware again that I was dosing and I felt really awkward.
77% I feel lightheaded (damn) I'm tired of getting lightheaded when I dose, it makes me feel like I'm telling myself that I wan't certain effects.
82% Wow. Change in body temperature is right. I feel a lot warmer. Like I might start sweating soon. My hands are still cold, but everything is warm, its crazy.
Done: Everythign feels weird. I'm deffinitely warmer. I'm finding it hard to concentrate on things. My eyes feel weird too. Deffinitely a good dose. Check it out.
DivinorumQH: (Overall 5/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=286
I used this dose twice last night, but I wasnt comfortable for either dose, because I had just finished swimming and had a red bull energy drink. As the dose was being administered I felt like I was on a tightrope running from the center of my body from my head to my feet. I would totter left and right, and eventually those feelings stopped. I then did not get many feelings until I started to get CEV's of dinner, and people talking to me, and me with a bite of food on the end of my fork, waving it around in my face. I then started to hear a little boy, but I can't exactly remember what he said, or what he looked like, but he was there. I kept waiting for the dose to kick it up a notch and actually make some strong effects for, me, but then the tones got softer and it ended. I muttered an obscenity to myself, and then went upstairs to sleep.
AnesthesiaH: (Overall 10/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=283
I used this dose because I had growing pains (started growing late, so I still get them) in my legs, and we were out of town with no meds, so I gave it a try. When it finished it felt like heroinQH where I did not wan't to move a muscle, just wanted to sit there. I actually forgot why I wanted to use it in the first place, and remembered about my pains, which were gone. I was comfortable, but it wasnt a "fun" dose; just relaxing.
Update: The second time I used Anestesia I beleive I got the full effects of the dose because I was in a better environment, and more relaxed. Last time I was on an uncomfortable pull-out bed, it was cold, and I was itchy from some bug bites. Anyway, I layed down and turned on the dose, hoping to relieve some pain from a bruised knee I got in football. About what seemed to be 40% through, I felt pressure on my legs, and it felt like someone was touching me (mostly pressure on my left leg [where the injury was] and my right was more "tickly" i'll say) I got scared because it felt so real, I pulled up my head and no one was there. To not ruin the dose, I wen't through the full thing. At around 50%-60% of the way through I noticed everything seemed to get numb, and the counting in my head was slowing down. The next 10% was when the dose actually HIT, even though I will say my experience at 40% was the actual hit. Anyway, at 60%-70% where I beleive the dose hit, I forgot about my counting, and my body began to buzz, not strong, but comfortably buzzing. I began to feel very lightheaded and carefree, it felt like my head could just roll off my body. My head continued to get lighter and lighter, and then I was popping in and out of dreams, not similar to any other trances i've ever had before. The dose ended at some point, and I just took off my headphones, and layed there, without a care in the world. "I've got to get up" but my muscles wouldnt let me. It was wild, eventually I got myself to get up, and move, but when I stopped again, I was just the way I was before.
AstralQH: (Overall 4/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=284
I was recently informed about astrally projecting, and I wanted to try it, so I used basic methods of astral travel, I was getting close because I got to the vibrational stage, but I then started to think about vibrations and left the stage. I would repeat this for several nights, and I then got the AstralQH dose. I turned it on and started my regular astral routine, I must say I got the the vibrational stage much faster than ever, and it felt like my leg lifted out of my body. I have yet to completely leave, but I know i'm getting close, and the beats DID help. I beleive limiting yourself to using binaural beats somehow affects the possibility of astrally projecting without them, so I have since stopped using the Astral dose for helping me astral project, and since THEN I have not tried to Astral project anymore.
QuickHappy: (Overall 9/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=193
I have recently not been taking my anxiety medication, so I was worried and sad about things that most people would not have been worried about. I usually dont need my medicine but today seemed like one of those days, so I purchased QuickHappy, and popped it on for a quick fix (5HTP comes next!) I layed down and let the dose administer itself whilst counting backwards. I started to feel almost bubbly like I was in seltzer water, however it soon faded (I think it was because I was cold or something) and it was replaced with a smile. I kept thinking "I dont want this dose to be a placebo...dont smile." and then I would end up smiling again, so that takes care of me using this dose as a placebo. When it finished I was overall happy, more energized, and could not think negative thoughts. 10 minutes later I still cant. I would think "what dont I like about myself?" and a little voice in my head would say "you love everything about yourself." I'm not super freakishly happy...but VERY content. I give it a 9/10 for solving my anxiety for the time being.
Vico: (Overall 9/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=256
I did this dose last night (August 4th) to no avail except for being slightly relaxed, and seeing some closed eye visuals (on second thought, it worked, but not to what I was hoping) I'm usually very susceptible and get GREAT experiences, but this was not exactly profound (note: I did have a muscle twitch, which destroyed my concentration) Then I tried again this morning, and it was stronger, but I'm still hoping that if I keep at it, it will double in potency yet again. So what I found was, that at some point I started to trance and go in and out of short "dreams", I was going down a slide at one point, I was at football practice another. I then got a buzzing feeling like I did with AnestesiaQH, which is very relaxing, and then I got some closed eye visuals, some very impressive, some not. I saw children falling onto a bike and riding off, then some fire burning everything in my vision. They then got weaker and I started to get a throbbing in my head, although it didnt hurt, it was more of a lightheaded throb. It was similar to AnestesiaQH in terms of lightheadedness, but instead it throbbed, and was much more enjoyable. The dose ended and I opened my eyes and pulled of my headphones and stared at the clock. It seemed to get pushed away from me. Not wanting it to be me convincing myself, I shook my head and closed my eyes and looked again, and it continued to pull away. When I would move my eyes it would stop and go back to normal though. I then just decided to close my eyes, and I got the most real and abstract visuals ever. I saw a picture of a tree in a photo frame about 40feet in front of me, I kept thinking "I want to go to that place", but I wouldnt be taken for some reason. I then saw many more pictures appear of different scapes and places, and they somehow vanished and I then saw two lines, and they then turned into a rope, almost like it was a tightrope and I was walking on it. The rope then split appart and turned into all the photos again. The photos then vanished and I saw a wall with some circles on it, which then turned into the cover of a book, and then it started rapidly fliping through pages. Then it started the next book, then the next. Then the visuals ended and I sat up. The lightheadedness had increased since the end of the dose, and my heartbeat wasnt faster, but more profound. I had injured my knee in football and the pain was gone when I stood up. I started to walk around. I felt so euphoric it was unbelievable. My heart felt like it was just rinsing me with warmth. Its very hard to describe, but not as POWERFUL as I am explaining it. If I had layed longer, and not showered and stuff, it could've lasted a lot longer. Showers are known to wake people up unfortunately
[Alcohol: (Overall = 9)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=240
This dose was incredible. This was the first time I had ever used it, I was driving to the ocean with some friends for a getaway vacation, and of course they put me in the backseat, so I started to dose on Alcohol. I felt tired throughout, and I started to feel like my limbs were numb. It ended, and I sat up; blood instantly rushed to my face, I felt lightheaded, and my hands were numb. I was in a different state of thinking, but it was hard to describe, almost like I didn't care. I kid you not, I looked at a sign I thought the text was backwards. I then did a double-take and it was normal. It lasted an hour. I was not completely wasted, but I was warm, numb, and happy. I highly suggest this dose.
French Roast: (Overall = 6)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=181
Besides not being a morning person, I've been waking up early recently to get back on a good schedule for school to resume, because I have an early class in the morning. When I tried French Roast, it was around 12 in the morning, and I was feeling tired, so I layed down for 5 minutes and took the dose. When it ended, I sat up, and felt instantly more awake then I had initially, but I still had that "eyes could shut right now" feeling. I got up and did feel more awake as well, but I was still kind of slow. I sat down to watch TV for about 15 minutes, and then I got up, and felt just as tired I had before. So overall, it was very shortlived, but did the job. I'm sure I will try it again soon, and hopefully it will keep me awake longer, and do a better job of it as well. This was my first use of French Roast.
Absinthe: (Overall = 9/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=225
This dose takes the cake. I am so impressed with how strong this dose is, and how altered I was. I originally decided I would buy this dose and take it with my eyes open, to test if it was possible to get effects with your eyes open. I didn't think that it would work very well, but I had gotten effects from being bothered before in cars and such, so I popped it on. I searched around on the forums a bit, went on Omegle.com, and did other internet stuff. I came back here and started to type out what I was feeling. At the time everything seemed so clear to me; I could think very high headedly, which is odd for me to say (especially because I feel like I'm trying to sell this dose) Let me start over: This dose is basically a roller coaster, which then plateaus, and then you come down. I don't know when it hit, but I know I was feeling effects by 26% I would describe what I was feeling as a drunken haze, but with clear thought patterns. This is getting too hard. I can't describe this dose. I think I put it best while it was in effect on me (I hope that shows how strong this is) Please read what I posted in the other part of the forum:
I think everyone should just check this dose out, even though it is 45 minutes long.
LSD: (Overall 10/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=253
This dose does not dissapoint. I went in on buying this dose, knowing that I got good effects from trip, and LSD was highly rated in the store, so I had to try it. I downloaded it and loaded it onto my I-Doser application. I made myself comfortable sitting up in my computer chair, and hit "Play Dose" At first, nothing outside of the ordinary. I was counting backwards; I just seemed to count and count, untill eventually I receive vivid Closed eyed visuals. Amazing visuals would be more the word. I had NEVER received closed eyed visuals like the ones I recieved with this dose. I watched the blacks in the back of my eyes, slowly get "painted" into this amazing mountain scene. I could see all of the snow, the blue sky, as well as the grass at the bottom of the slope. I slowly started to think about what else I would like to see. I haven't been to my grandmother's house in a long time, so slowly yet surely I was shown a painting of an aerial view of her house.
I then became aware of a sensation that I had never felt before. I had butterflies in my stomach, and they soon spread all over my body, I felt nervous all of a sudden, and I had no idea why. My visuals shifted a couple more times, and then I started to lose them. The "butterflies" I was feeling shifted quickly to a cold feeling. I was suddenly very cold. I was about to turn off the dose, when the tones changed. I suddenly started to concentrate on things that made me happy, and I was happy. I decided to take it easy and just count backwards for the rest of the dose. The tones faded and I stood up. I felt different. I felt bigger almost. And everything looked so special. Everything seemed soft. I sat down to check my email, and immediately I noticed how amazing the "dips" in the keys of my keyboard felt. The feelings of comfortability lasted another 10 minutes. I would like to say this is my strongest experience with a hallucinogenic dose. Try it out.
White Crosses: (Overall = 10/10)
This dose became my favorite somewhere in the 2 hours it lasted. Thats right, 2 hours. Granted, I think 30 minutes of that was "come down" but who cares. I finished it up, and felt very euphoric and lightheaded. I was doing it eyes open in a dark room, and then I wen't to the living room where my friend was. All the lights seemed brighter, and everything felt different; I stared at the carpet for about 5 minutes because it looked so strange to me. Everything felt like I was experiencing it for the first time. After about 30 minutes of just looking at things and talking to B, things started to get funny. I have no idea why. He would say something, and I would crack up. It's a great dose. It's also in my "Eyes Open" thread.
Adrenochrome: (Overall = 8/10, and I will probably try again and see if it scores higher)
This Basically Puts Your Body In A Taffee Stretcher
So 420master put up an Adrenochrome experience. I knew that it would not be a mistake for me to try it as well, because I had also had great experiences after some of his suggestions. I knew I had to try this. I popped on my headphones and did it sitting up in my computer chair (didn't have a chance to put it onto my iPod yet) It started out cool and melow, I decided that it would be too melow, and I would be able to hear my typing through my headphones, so I should just lay back and listen. Very quickly, I began to feel wavy, like I was in water, (I also received weird closed eye visuals of germs in a microscope, and weird faces) and then the tones changes a little, and I felt like I was going in one of those rotational machines they put astronauts in. Very soon, the sounds started to climb into a higher pitch, and I suddenly felt my heart go faster. I didn't FEEL like I got an endorphine rush, I think I just got my blood pumping. I decided to stop counting and just concentrate on the sounds. This part reminds me of salvia: I stopped counting, and just layed back and I was gone. NO idea where I wen't, just staring at my eyelids. Then all of a sudden I got a really creapy "dream" that I thought was real. I must've stayed in that dream for about 2 minutes. I then came out of it very fast and felt like my body was being contorted and twisted, mostly at the head and torso, but I did feel things in my legs. I don't remember much of what happened next. I continued to just relax, and then the feeling of being contorted returned, but stopped when I hit the semi staticky part (not scary) I guess people usually start to get scared at this part? I didn't. I don't know why. Somewhere after that; maybe around 80% (?) the tones stop the crackling and it goes back to the high pitch noises (not scary) and I got another rush, accompanied with a very heavy and profound hearbeat that was deffinitely faster. I finished up (the last 10% just WAITING for it to end because I was bored) and sat up. I deffinitely felt lightheaded like I just got off a ride, and I had a very heavy heartbeat, although it wasn't as fast as when I first got the rush. I felt different afterwards (and still do) but I don't think it made me hallucinate afterwards. I don't know why I never got scared. I'm going to try again. I gave it an 8; I wanted to be scared. If I try again and its considerably better than my original, I will update the entry.
HashQH: (Overall 10/10)
Worked for me this time. Worked well actually...fantastically. Deffinitely better than the MarijuanaQH dose. Compared to the MarijuanaQH dose, this dose made me more spacey, appreciate music better (which is quite the surprise), and reduced my coordination (especially while typing) If you liked the MarijuanaQH dose and want something stronger, or you can't get through the MarijuanaQH dose because of the crackling about 50% through, then I suggest purchasing HashQH.
Bufo)Toad Overall= 9/10
Just about gave up on this dose a while ago. Today I retried it and it was very good. I did this dose laying down in my basement. This isn't going to be a minute by minute review, so just listen: this dose will make you get weird body sensations, go numb, and it'll make you feel like you're in a different place. I finished it and felt a little different, but I slowly felt more energized, and like I can see things more clearly, and crisply. I noticed designs in things that I had never even noticed had designs.
Oxy Overall 10/10
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=258
My Full Review:
I purchased Oxy after 420master had suggested it to everyone, claiming it was his favorite dose, and that it was just all around amazing. I purchased, and played Oxy, (eyes open of course) and the outcome was one of the greatest I-doser experiences i've ever had. Initiallly the dose will make you very warm, and then the warmth will continue into a feeling of fuzzyness and comfortability. The whole time the dose was being administered I was very comfortable in my chair, and I was overall very content with everything. When the dose ended, I was still warm, but it sort of faded, leaving me wanting to just lay on the couch and watch tv. One thing I can't leave out about this dose is the euphoria. You will become euphoric; not like the Vico dose, where it is enjoyable, but almost uncomfortable, but it's it's own strength. The euphoria is much smoother than Vico or Heroin, but it is also pleasing. I would also like to note a reduction of pain that I had from my knee surgery. I would also like to point out another thing; I had knee surgery last Thursday (the 1st) and I was given Oxycodone (liquid form, therefore, I beleive it wasn't time release) I was only taking small doses (5-10mL), but the dose DEFFINITELY feels very similar to a dose of oxycodone. The few things it lacks are the waking dreams, the auras around lights and, the "CEV's" that show up around the TV. So physically, yes this dose feels like a prescribed dose of Oxycodone, however psychologically it lacks, (just a side note: I have never used opiates before I had used the oxy, thus I had no tolerance) I hope this has convinced many people to try this great dose. It gets bumped to a 10/10.
!Rave! Overall = 8/10
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=204
The dose itself I can't quite remember for some reason. I remember I felt very happy, and like I just wanted to lay down and curl up on the couch. I felt warm and even though it goes against the cozyness, I wanted to move my legs a lot. Aside from the physical effects, I was thinking differently. I wanted to talk to people a lot more. I was able to hold an interesting conversation for longer (not that I can't already ) and I had a better time understanding other peoples emotions. When I would lay down, I felt like the things around me, were somehow connected to me in ways I couldn't explain.
Heroin Overall 9/10
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=210
This dose made me feel great. My whole body got warm, and I felt almost sedated. I felt like my eyes weigh more, and I was struggling to keep my head up. My neck felt weak. I was so warm to a point where I wanted the effects to end. I was just really warm. Way warm. The dose isn't as good as Vico or Oxy, but it deffinitely made me have CEV's with my eyes open, in broad daylight. So it wins points for that. I would suggest this dose to a lot of people, simply because it's good, and if you're cold, even better. Probably could be used as a sedative to sleep.
Dexies: Overall = 6/10
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=230
The first time I tried Dexies I didn't think I got any effects initially, however during the bufo)toad dose I was restless, so that could have been the Dexies. I'm trying it again right now, I'm 65% in right now, I'm positive that I'm feeling different. I'm feeling euphoric, and I feel a lot more focused, concentrated, and I'm almost shaking. My legs feel like they're full of energy and could start twitching at any second. I also had a twitching sensation in my neck a few minutes ago. I was also twitching a little bit, but it was pretty mild.
87% in now, I feel just as energized as before, but for some reason I don't feel the euphoria like last time. Every time I try to dose eyes open, someone comes in the room and acts all loud and starts kicking things around, and it just kills it, so I may not get the full effects, especially since I'm not doing it the "right way" in the first place. One thing I do notice, a lot of the dose I've had goose bumps on my legs, and my feet have been pretty cold the entire time. The euphoria has come back again.
94% I feel no different than 87% except I'm pissed that someone is in the other room watching their TV super loud. Pisses me off. Why can't they turn the damn thing down? So annoying. Dose is ending right now. I don't feel much different. I'll go see; I usually feel different once I take off the headphones.
Oh wow, yeah, deffinitely a faster heartbeat, more focus, along with some euphoria.
Edit: I found out a way to describe how I feel: It feels like theres a sense of urgency to everything I do. I feel on the edge. Feels like I'm running late for somewhere.
ConfidenceOverall 6/10
Theres not much to say about this dose. I'm scared of needles,and I thought I was going to get my blood drawn, so I took this dose so I wouldn't be as scared for getting my blood drawn. I was all ready, I felt calm, and more confident that I wouldn't be scared about getting my blood drawn, and then they didn't have to draw my blood. So, as far as I know, I might not have been as confident WHILE they were drawing my blood, (had they done it) but I felt confident up untill that point, and then after they told me that it didn't need to happen. Good dose.
Speedball 7/10
Amazing dose. It started off normal, like every other dose, but I slowly got a rush, which gave me short twitches and raised my pulse a little. That was slowly swallowed by euphoria which started to set in. It was a deep calming euphoria. My heart rate didn't go anyway in either direction. Around halfway through the dominance of the heroin/morphine really took over; I take notes for some doses, and this is what I wrote at around halfway: "feeling really sluggish, everything in the world feels good, super mellow, had to put down ipod because im so tired" I sort of just layed my head back and stared at the TV watching without any real thoughts whatsoever, just enjoying myself. When there was about 7 minutes left the mellow feeling started to share a position with a twitching/on edge feeling, and this lasted until the end. When it ended, I waited about 30 seconds, got up, and wow, it felt really weird. I felt really light and floaty. I went upstairs to get some food, and came back down, I don't feel twitchy or stimulated, but I also don't feel very mellow, but I'm leaning in the mellow direction right now.
No special effects with this dose, but I am doing a little experiment to see if it does have any effect. That experiment is right here: http://i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7018
Adderall 8/10
This was a very powerful stimulant dose. I'm positive I felt the effects of this for at least 2 hours, with minor effects lasting the whole day. I felt twitchy, more concentrated on whatever I was doing. I was blinking less, moving more quickly, and I can note an increase in confidence. Normally, I will have conversations with friends that we will try and not let other people around us hear, but I simply did not appear to care. In addition, I didn't eat as much after I had done it. The effects of being more talkative and confidence seemed to linger for the duration of the day.
Codeine 9.5/10
I had ACL/Lateral Miniscus reconstructive surgery October of last year. I was prescribed codeine for several weeks, so I'm very aware of the effects that it has. I was talking a month or two ago about how I-Doser should make a Codeine dose, and I was surprised when they did; needless to say, I bought it. I felt small effects around 12-15 minutes in, and I really knew I was feeling it around 20 minutes in. The dose felt exactly like codeine. I hate telilng everyone that these doses "come close" or I explain my experience of the dose just how the description does, but this dose does come close, and the description is spot on. Very pleasant body feel; I couldn't feel my legs, and my hands were tingly. I was very calm and relaxed, and I felt lightheaded with mild euphoria. Everything just felt relaxed, it was harder to walk, harder to keep my head in place, and I was just pretty zoned out. Literally felt like I had just taken a low 15mg dose of codeine, except without me feeling like I have to scratch myself.
- Codeine
- Adderall
- Got rid of the "comments" on the doses
- Got rid of some of the experiences that were outdated
- Added link to the application dose reviews
- cleaned up some HTML
Application Dose Reviews: http://www.i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7014
Hey you! Yes you! The one with all the I-Doser tracks, who doesnt know which ones to try and which ones to stay away from. Yes, you. Read these so you can have an idea of what the doses are going to be like. No one hates anything more than reading i-doser's product statement as well as other experience journals that over play results, and you end up getting results far from what they were told, so here are all of my experiences, documented in one place:
Does it work?: I think it does. What do you think?
My Setup: Sitting upright at my computer surfing the net or playing on my iPod Touch. I use either $20 Sony headphones, or my $16 Skull Candy buds. Sometimes I just play on my ipod while I listen.
What I will be reviewing soon:
- Codeine
- Crack
- Serene
- More of the iPhone Doses http://www.i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7014
CocaineQH: (Overall: 7/10) #1 Beginner Dose
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=263
My "breakthrough" was on the Cocaine dose, off of Recreational Simulations 1 CD, that I purchased on iTunes. I later switched to the CocaineQH from the store, and I can find no difference in effect, except for the length of the two doses. Of course not like snorting a line of cocaine by any sense, I finished the dose twitching, and having small muscle spasms. It feels like wave after wave of energy is just flowing through you; its almost euphoric. I will cite one experience, where I finished the dose, jumped off of my couch where I was laying, wen't downstairs and began working out. I pushed myself more than ever, and was very sore the next day. By the end of my workout, I wasn't feeling the effects of the dose anymore. I wan't to say that either the dose is around 30 minutes lasting, or working out brings the experience down quite a few notches.
Marijuana (full dose): (Overall: 4/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=188
For some reason, it wasn't quite as strong as the QH dose. Possibly because I only used this dose one time, and never gave myself more opportunities to feel effects from it. No generally profound effects, but I did relax quite nicely during the dose.
MarijuanaQH: (Overall: 10/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=188
Actually, this dose worked a lot better than I could have imagined. Deffinitely stronger than the full dose; maybe because I can only trance for short periods of time before I just get bored. It deffinitely gets weird halfway through, but there should be nothing to worry about as long as you keep your thoughts centered and on positive things. I notice that the dose generally "hits" shortly after the "static storm" midway through. It's a dizzy feeling; you're almost disoriented, and yet you aren't.
The dose fades with a gentle hum, and you will take off your headphones. Your head is lightheaded, yet heavy. Your body feels like it just needs to relax. Your vision feels like it jumps and flickers when you move, and it does. The dose misses the mental side of a whole experience on Marijuana, like thinking about random things, and it misses the more creative thinking. I would also like to point out that aside from music sounding a tad better, entertainment certainly isn't any more enjoyable however, sometimes, somebody may say something that will strike you as funny, and laughter will just hit you; unfortunately not very often.
HeroinQH: (Overall 8/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=287
The dose first time I used it had no effect on me; luckily I kept at it, and eventually got it to work, on my next try. The dose doesn't come hit you hard; and at first you won't notice that anything has happened. The dose is almost like a ninja, because when you notice it, your almost hit, even though its not a placebo. All you want to do is sit, relax, and watch TV. Euphoria hits, not as much mentally, more physically noticeable euphoria. It is then followed by a very warm feeling. The dose is best to be taken when you don't need to do anything for a while, because you won't feel like doing anything for a while after you take it.
Trip (full dose): (Overall: 7/10 [for now])
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=205
Hokay, so, the dose was the full dose, as opposed to the QuickHit dose, that I really like. I got minor effects, however, they were not as profound as the quick hit. I assume its because I am more used to the quick hit, than the full dose. I'll deffinitely be tryin this again, because it worked to some extent. I first, saw a granny, sitting in a chair, and then her eyes popped out of her head, and I would keep thinking "okay, different thoughts, please" but then she'd just pop up again! WHAT THE HELL? Anyway, I would come in an out of trances, (none that are that great), and I would see closed eye visuals, and then they'd fade, and then some more closed eyed visuals. And then the dose ended, and I could FEEL my room pulsating towards me. I know it wasnt fake either, I closed my eyes and shook my head and looke up at my ceiling and it was pulsating like it was before. I then looked down at my hand, (expecting the normal effects) and kind of just stared, and my fingers began to dissappear. I would then move my eyes and they'd come back, so then I just locked my eyes in place, and all of my fingers dissappeared, and then my pinky, middle and thumb showed up again. Then my whole hand came back, but it seemed to "hover" above my bed, and glow almost greenish. I then went on my ipod, and the effects drifted off.
AcidQH: (Overall 7/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=262
Dose hit me at 34%. I literally wasn't feeling anything, then BAM. All of sudden I feel different. I don't know how to explain it. It feels like the dose has been playing forever too.
51% I'm having trouble typing stuff. I'm making typos and can't focus on what I'm trying to do. My eyes keep losing focus as well. Tones just changed. It felt like time was going really slowly, and then I became aware again that I was dosing and I felt really awkward.
77% I feel lightheaded (damn) I'm tired of getting lightheaded when I dose, it makes me feel like I'm telling myself that I wan't certain effects.
82% Wow. Change in body temperature is right. I feel a lot warmer. Like I might start sweating soon. My hands are still cold, but everything is warm, its crazy.
Done: Everythign feels weird. I'm deffinitely warmer. I'm finding it hard to concentrate on things. My eyes feel weird too. Deffinitely a good dose. Check it out.
DivinorumQH: (Overall 5/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=286
I used this dose twice last night, but I wasnt comfortable for either dose, because I had just finished swimming and had a red bull energy drink. As the dose was being administered I felt like I was on a tightrope running from the center of my body from my head to my feet. I would totter left and right, and eventually those feelings stopped. I then did not get many feelings until I started to get CEV's of dinner, and people talking to me, and me with a bite of food on the end of my fork, waving it around in my face. I then started to hear a little boy, but I can't exactly remember what he said, or what he looked like, but he was there. I kept waiting for the dose to kick it up a notch and actually make some strong effects for, me, but then the tones got softer and it ended. I muttered an obscenity to myself, and then went upstairs to sleep.
AnesthesiaH: (Overall 10/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=283
I used this dose because I had growing pains (started growing late, so I still get them) in my legs, and we were out of town with no meds, so I gave it a try. When it finished it felt like heroinQH where I did not wan't to move a muscle, just wanted to sit there. I actually forgot why I wanted to use it in the first place, and remembered about my pains, which were gone. I was comfortable, but it wasnt a "fun" dose; just relaxing.
Update: The second time I used Anestesia I beleive I got the full effects of the dose because I was in a better environment, and more relaxed. Last time I was on an uncomfortable pull-out bed, it was cold, and I was itchy from some bug bites. Anyway, I layed down and turned on the dose, hoping to relieve some pain from a bruised knee I got in football. About what seemed to be 40% through, I felt pressure on my legs, and it felt like someone was touching me (mostly pressure on my left leg [where the injury was] and my right was more "tickly" i'll say) I got scared because it felt so real, I pulled up my head and no one was there. To not ruin the dose, I wen't through the full thing. At around 50%-60% of the way through I noticed everything seemed to get numb, and the counting in my head was slowing down. The next 10% was when the dose actually HIT, even though I will say my experience at 40% was the actual hit. Anyway, at 60%-70% where I beleive the dose hit, I forgot about my counting, and my body began to buzz, not strong, but comfortably buzzing. I began to feel very lightheaded and carefree, it felt like my head could just roll off my body. My head continued to get lighter and lighter, and then I was popping in and out of dreams, not similar to any other trances i've ever had before. The dose ended at some point, and I just took off my headphones, and layed there, without a care in the world. "I've got to get up" but my muscles wouldnt let me. It was wild, eventually I got myself to get up, and move, but when I stopped again, I was just the way I was before.
AstralQH: (Overall 4/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=284
I was recently informed about astrally projecting, and I wanted to try it, so I used basic methods of astral travel, I was getting close because I got to the vibrational stage, but I then started to think about vibrations and left the stage. I would repeat this for several nights, and I then got the AstralQH dose. I turned it on and started my regular astral routine, I must say I got the the vibrational stage much faster than ever, and it felt like my leg lifted out of my body. I have yet to completely leave, but I know i'm getting close, and the beats DID help. I beleive limiting yourself to using binaural beats somehow affects the possibility of astrally projecting without them, so I have since stopped using the Astral dose for helping me astral project, and since THEN I have not tried to Astral project anymore.
QuickHappy: (Overall 9/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=193
I have recently not been taking my anxiety medication, so I was worried and sad about things that most people would not have been worried about. I usually dont need my medicine but today seemed like one of those days, so I purchased QuickHappy, and popped it on for a quick fix (5HTP comes next!) I layed down and let the dose administer itself whilst counting backwards. I started to feel almost bubbly like I was in seltzer water, however it soon faded (I think it was because I was cold or something) and it was replaced with a smile. I kept thinking "I dont want this dose to be a placebo...dont smile." and then I would end up smiling again, so that takes care of me using this dose as a placebo. When it finished I was overall happy, more energized, and could not think negative thoughts. 10 minutes later I still cant. I would think "what dont I like about myself?" and a little voice in my head would say "you love everything about yourself." I'm not super freakishly happy...but VERY content. I give it a 9/10 for solving my anxiety for the time being.
Vico: (Overall 9/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=256
I did this dose last night (August 4th) to no avail except for being slightly relaxed, and seeing some closed eye visuals (on second thought, it worked, but not to what I was hoping) I'm usually very susceptible and get GREAT experiences, but this was not exactly profound (note: I did have a muscle twitch, which destroyed my concentration) Then I tried again this morning, and it was stronger, but I'm still hoping that if I keep at it, it will double in potency yet again. So what I found was, that at some point I started to trance and go in and out of short "dreams", I was going down a slide at one point, I was at football practice another. I then got a buzzing feeling like I did with AnestesiaQH, which is very relaxing, and then I got some closed eye visuals, some very impressive, some not. I saw children falling onto a bike and riding off, then some fire burning everything in my vision. They then got weaker and I started to get a throbbing in my head, although it didnt hurt, it was more of a lightheaded throb. It was similar to AnestesiaQH in terms of lightheadedness, but instead it throbbed, and was much more enjoyable. The dose ended and I opened my eyes and pulled of my headphones and stared at the clock. It seemed to get pushed away from me. Not wanting it to be me convincing myself, I shook my head and closed my eyes and looked again, and it continued to pull away. When I would move my eyes it would stop and go back to normal though. I then just decided to close my eyes, and I got the most real and abstract visuals ever. I saw a picture of a tree in a photo frame about 40feet in front of me, I kept thinking "I want to go to that place", but I wouldnt be taken for some reason. I then saw many more pictures appear of different scapes and places, and they somehow vanished and I then saw two lines, and they then turned into a rope, almost like it was a tightrope and I was walking on it. The rope then split appart and turned into all the photos again. The photos then vanished and I saw a wall with some circles on it, which then turned into the cover of a book, and then it started rapidly fliping through pages. Then it started the next book, then the next. Then the visuals ended and I sat up. The lightheadedness had increased since the end of the dose, and my heartbeat wasnt faster, but more profound. I had injured my knee in football and the pain was gone when I stood up. I started to walk around. I felt so euphoric it was unbelievable. My heart felt like it was just rinsing me with warmth. Its very hard to describe, but not as POWERFUL as I am explaining it. If I had layed longer, and not showered and stuff, it could've lasted a lot longer. Showers are known to wake people up unfortunately
[Alcohol: (Overall = 9)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=240
This dose was incredible. This was the first time I had ever used it, I was driving to the ocean with some friends for a getaway vacation, and of course they put me in the backseat, so I started to dose on Alcohol. I felt tired throughout, and I started to feel like my limbs were numb. It ended, and I sat up; blood instantly rushed to my face, I felt lightheaded, and my hands were numb. I was in a different state of thinking, but it was hard to describe, almost like I didn't care. I kid you not, I looked at a sign I thought the text was backwards. I then did a double-take and it was normal. It lasted an hour. I was not completely wasted, but I was warm, numb, and happy. I highly suggest this dose.
French Roast: (Overall = 6)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=181
Besides not being a morning person, I've been waking up early recently to get back on a good schedule for school to resume, because I have an early class in the morning. When I tried French Roast, it was around 12 in the morning, and I was feeling tired, so I layed down for 5 minutes and took the dose. When it ended, I sat up, and felt instantly more awake then I had initially, but I still had that "eyes could shut right now" feeling. I got up and did feel more awake as well, but I was still kind of slow. I sat down to watch TV for about 15 minutes, and then I got up, and felt just as tired I had before. So overall, it was very shortlived, but did the job. I'm sure I will try it again soon, and hopefully it will keep me awake longer, and do a better job of it as well. This was my first use of French Roast.
Absinthe: (Overall = 9/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=225
This dose takes the cake. I am so impressed with how strong this dose is, and how altered I was. I originally decided I would buy this dose and take it with my eyes open, to test if it was possible to get effects with your eyes open. I didn't think that it would work very well, but I had gotten effects from being bothered before in cars and such, so I popped it on. I searched around on the forums a bit, went on Omegle.com, and did other internet stuff. I came back here and started to type out what I was feeling. At the time everything seemed so clear to me; I could think very high headedly, which is odd for me to say (especially because I feel like I'm trying to sell this dose) Let me start over: This dose is basically a roller coaster, which then plateaus, and then you come down. I don't know when it hit, but I know I was feeling effects by 26% I would describe what I was feeling as a drunken haze, but with clear thought patterns. This is getting too hard. I can't describe this dose. I think I put it best while it was in effect on me (I hope that shows how strong this is) Please read what I posted in the other part of the forum:
I think everyone should just check this dose out, even though it is 45 minutes long.
LSD: (Overall 10/10)
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=253
This dose does not dissapoint. I went in on buying this dose, knowing that I got good effects from trip, and LSD was highly rated in the store, so I had to try it. I downloaded it and loaded it onto my I-Doser application. I made myself comfortable sitting up in my computer chair, and hit "Play Dose" At first, nothing outside of the ordinary. I was counting backwards; I just seemed to count and count, untill eventually I receive vivid Closed eyed visuals. Amazing visuals would be more the word. I had NEVER received closed eyed visuals like the ones I recieved with this dose. I watched the blacks in the back of my eyes, slowly get "painted" into this amazing mountain scene. I could see all of the snow, the blue sky, as well as the grass at the bottom of the slope. I slowly started to think about what else I would like to see. I haven't been to my grandmother's house in a long time, so slowly yet surely I was shown a painting of an aerial view of her house.
I then became aware of a sensation that I had never felt before. I had butterflies in my stomach, and they soon spread all over my body, I felt nervous all of a sudden, and I had no idea why. My visuals shifted a couple more times, and then I started to lose them. The "butterflies" I was feeling shifted quickly to a cold feeling. I was suddenly very cold. I was about to turn off the dose, when the tones changed. I suddenly started to concentrate on things that made me happy, and I was happy. I decided to take it easy and just count backwards for the rest of the dose. The tones faded and I stood up. I felt different. I felt bigger almost. And everything looked so special. Everything seemed soft. I sat down to check my email, and immediately I noticed how amazing the "dips" in the keys of my keyboard felt. The feelings of comfortability lasted another 10 minutes. I would like to say this is my strongest experience with a hallucinogenic dose. Try it out.
White Crosses: (Overall = 10/10)
This dose became my favorite somewhere in the 2 hours it lasted. Thats right, 2 hours. Granted, I think 30 minutes of that was "come down" but who cares. I finished it up, and felt very euphoric and lightheaded. I was doing it eyes open in a dark room, and then I wen't to the living room where my friend was. All the lights seemed brighter, and everything felt different; I stared at the carpet for about 5 minutes because it looked so strange to me. Everything felt like I was experiencing it for the first time. After about 30 minutes of just looking at things and talking to B, things started to get funny. I have no idea why. He would say something, and I would crack up. It's a great dose. It's also in my "Eyes Open" thread.
Adrenochrome: (Overall = 8/10, and I will probably try again and see if it scores higher)
This Basically Puts Your Body In A Taffee Stretcher
So 420master put up an Adrenochrome experience. I knew that it would not be a mistake for me to try it as well, because I had also had great experiences after some of his suggestions. I knew I had to try this. I popped on my headphones and did it sitting up in my computer chair (didn't have a chance to put it onto my iPod yet) It started out cool and melow, I decided that it would be too melow, and I would be able to hear my typing through my headphones, so I should just lay back and listen. Very quickly, I began to feel wavy, like I was in water, (I also received weird closed eye visuals of germs in a microscope, and weird faces) and then the tones changes a little, and I felt like I was going in one of those rotational machines they put astronauts in. Very soon, the sounds started to climb into a higher pitch, and I suddenly felt my heart go faster. I didn't FEEL like I got an endorphine rush, I think I just got my blood pumping. I decided to stop counting and just concentrate on the sounds. This part reminds me of salvia: I stopped counting, and just layed back and I was gone. NO idea where I wen't, just staring at my eyelids. Then all of a sudden I got a really creapy "dream" that I thought was real. I must've stayed in that dream for about 2 minutes. I then came out of it very fast and felt like my body was being contorted and twisted, mostly at the head and torso, but I did feel things in my legs. I don't remember much of what happened next. I continued to just relax, and then the feeling of being contorted returned, but stopped when I hit the semi staticky part (not scary) I guess people usually start to get scared at this part? I didn't. I don't know why. Somewhere after that; maybe around 80% (?) the tones stop the crackling and it goes back to the high pitch noises (not scary) and I got another rush, accompanied with a very heavy and profound hearbeat that was deffinitely faster. I finished up (the last 10% just WAITING for it to end because I was bored) and sat up. I deffinitely felt lightheaded like I just got off a ride, and I had a very heavy heartbeat, although it wasn't as fast as when I first got the rush. I felt different afterwards (and still do) but I don't think it made me hallucinate afterwards. I don't know why I never got scared. I'm going to try again. I gave it an 8; I wanted to be scared. If I try again and its considerably better than my original, I will update the entry.
HashQH: (Overall 10/10)
Worked for me this time. Worked well actually...fantastically. Deffinitely better than the MarijuanaQH dose. Compared to the MarijuanaQH dose, this dose made me more spacey, appreciate music better (which is quite the surprise), and reduced my coordination (especially while typing) If you liked the MarijuanaQH dose and want something stronger, or you can't get through the MarijuanaQH dose because of the crackling about 50% through, then I suggest purchasing HashQH.
Bufo)Toad Overall= 9/10
Just about gave up on this dose a while ago. Today I retried it and it was very good. I did this dose laying down in my basement. This isn't going to be a minute by minute review, so just listen: this dose will make you get weird body sensations, go numb, and it'll make you feel like you're in a different place. I finished it and felt a little different, but I slowly felt more energized, and like I can see things more clearly, and crisply. I noticed designs in things that I had never even noticed had designs.
Oxy Overall 10/10
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=258
My Full Review:
I purchased Oxy after 420master had suggested it to everyone, claiming it was his favorite dose, and that it was just all around amazing. I purchased, and played Oxy, (eyes open of course) and the outcome was one of the greatest I-doser experiences i've ever had. Initiallly the dose will make you very warm, and then the warmth will continue into a feeling of fuzzyness and comfortability. The whole time the dose was being administered I was very comfortable in my chair, and I was overall very content with everything. When the dose ended, I was still warm, but it sort of faded, leaving me wanting to just lay on the couch and watch tv. One thing I can't leave out about this dose is the euphoria. You will become euphoric; not like the Vico dose, where it is enjoyable, but almost uncomfortable, but it's it's own strength. The euphoria is much smoother than Vico or Heroin, but it is also pleasing. I would also like to note a reduction of pain that I had from my knee surgery. I would also like to point out another thing; I had knee surgery last Thursday (the 1st) and I was given Oxycodone (liquid form, therefore, I beleive it wasn't time release) I was only taking small doses (5-10mL), but the dose DEFFINITELY feels very similar to a dose of oxycodone. The few things it lacks are the waking dreams, the auras around lights and, the "CEV's" that show up around the TV. So physically, yes this dose feels like a prescribed dose of Oxycodone, however psychologically it lacks, (just a side note: I have never used opiates before I had used the oxy, thus I had no tolerance) I hope this has convinced many people to try this great dose. It gets bumped to a 10/10.
!Rave! Overall = 8/10
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=204
The dose itself I can't quite remember for some reason. I remember I felt very happy, and like I just wanted to lay down and curl up on the couch. I felt warm and even though it goes against the cozyness, I wanted to move my legs a lot. Aside from the physical effects, I was thinking differently. I wanted to talk to people a lot more. I was able to hold an interesting conversation for longer (not that I can't already ) and I had a better time understanding other peoples emotions. When I would lay down, I felt like the things around me, were somehow connected to me in ways I couldn't explain.
Heroin Overall 9/10
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=210
This dose made me feel great. My whole body got warm, and I felt almost sedated. I felt like my eyes weigh more, and I was struggling to keep my head up. My neck felt weak. I was so warm to a point where I wanted the effects to end. I was just really warm. Way warm. The dose isn't as good as Vico or Oxy, but it deffinitely made me have CEV's with my eyes open, in broad daylight. So it wins points for that. I would suggest this dose to a lot of people, simply because it's good, and if you're cold, even better. Probably could be used as a sedative to sleep.
Dexies: Overall = 6/10
http://i-doser.com/storev3/index.php?ma ... cts_id=230
The first time I tried Dexies I didn't think I got any effects initially, however during the bufo)toad dose I was restless, so that could have been the Dexies. I'm trying it again right now, I'm 65% in right now, I'm positive that I'm feeling different. I'm feeling euphoric, and I feel a lot more focused, concentrated, and I'm almost shaking. My legs feel like they're full of energy and could start twitching at any second. I also had a twitching sensation in my neck a few minutes ago. I was also twitching a little bit, but it was pretty mild.
87% in now, I feel just as energized as before, but for some reason I don't feel the euphoria like last time. Every time I try to dose eyes open, someone comes in the room and acts all loud and starts kicking things around, and it just kills it, so I may not get the full effects, especially since I'm not doing it the "right way" in the first place. One thing I do notice, a lot of the dose I've had goose bumps on my legs, and my feet have been pretty cold the entire time. The euphoria has come back again.
94% I feel no different than 87% except I'm pissed that someone is in the other room watching their TV super loud. Pisses me off. Why can't they turn the damn thing down? So annoying. Dose is ending right now. I don't feel much different. I'll go see; I usually feel different once I take off the headphones.
Oh wow, yeah, deffinitely a faster heartbeat, more focus, along with some euphoria.
Edit: I found out a way to describe how I feel: It feels like theres a sense of urgency to everything I do. I feel on the edge. Feels like I'm running late for somewhere.
ConfidenceOverall 6/10
Theres not much to say about this dose. I'm scared of needles,and I thought I was going to get my blood drawn, so I took this dose so I wouldn't be as scared for getting my blood drawn. I was all ready, I felt calm, and more confident that I wouldn't be scared about getting my blood drawn, and then they didn't have to draw my blood. So, as far as I know, I might not have been as confident WHILE they were drawing my blood, (had they done it) but I felt confident up untill that point, and then after they told me that it didn't need to happen. Good dose.
Speedball 7/10
Amazing dose. It started off normal, like every other dose, but I slowly got a rush, which gave me short twitches and raised my pulse a little. That was slowly swallowed by euphoria which started to set in. It was a deep calming euphoria. My heart rate didn't go anyway in either direction. Around halfway through the dominance of the heroin/morphine really took over; I take notes for some doses, and this is what I wrote at around halfway: "feeling really sluggish, everything in the world feels good, super mellow, had to put down ipod because im so tired" I sort of just layed my head back and stared at the TV watching without any real thoughts whatsoever, just enjoying myself. When there was about 7 minutes left the mellow feeling started to share a position with a twitching/on edge feeling, and this lasted until the end. When it ended, I waited about 30 seconds, got up, and wow, it felt really weird. I felt really light and floaty. I went upstairs to get some food, and came back down, I don't feel twitchy or stimulated, but I also don't feel very mellow, but I'm leaning in the mellow direction right now.
No special effects with this dose, but I am doing a little experiment to see if it does have any effect. That experiment is right here: http://i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7018
Adderall 8/10
This was a very powerful stimulant dose. I'm positive I felt the effects of this for at least 2 hours, with minor effects lasting the whole day. I felt twitchy, more concentrated on whatever I was doing. I was blinking less, moving more quickly, and I can note an increase in confidence. Normally, I will have conversations with friends that we will try and not let other people around us hear, but I simply did not appear to care. In addition, I didn't eat as much after I had done it. The effects of being more talkative and confidence seemed to linger for the duration of the day.
Codeine 9.5/10
I had ACL/Lateral Miniscus reconstructive surgery October of last year. I was prescribed codeine for several weeks, so I'm very aware of the effects that it has. I was talking a month or two ago about how I-Doser should make a Codeine dose, and I was surprised when they did; needless to say, I bought it. I felt small effects around 12-15 minutes in, and I really knew I was feeling it around 20 minutes in. The dose felt exactly like codeine. I hate telilng everyone that these doses "come close" or I explain my experience of the dose just how the description does, but this dose does come close, and the description is spot on. Very pleasant body feel; I couldn't feel my legs, and my hands were tingly. I was very calm and relaxed, and I felt lightheaded with mild euphoria. Everything just felt relaxed, it was harder to walk, harder to keep my head in place, and I was just pretty zoned out. Literally felt like I had just taken a low 15mg dose of codeine, except without me feeling like I have to scratch myself.