What is next step?

Binaural brainwave dosing
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What is next step?


hey guys. i just started I doser stuff today after my friend brought his ipod into school with LSD and Ecstacy on it. i thought it was bull. i came home and tried it out and was shocked at how well content worked, although that isnt really a "fun" dose. i tried the opium one and i just kinda went into a dreamlike state, no cool colours, just kinda had a trippy dream. ive never done real drugs, but this seems cool enough for me.
just got a few questions. what should i do next?
is it worth the cash?
can you use doses over and over again?
can you get them on your ipod?

thank you very much =D
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Post by darkmajik666777 »

Ok so the answers are in the order u asked the questions:
1: Marijuana, cocaine, and nitrous are fun beginer doses, also if you want to get stronger doses sfter that, hash is stronger than marijuana crack is stronger than cocaine and heroin and morphine are stronger than opium
2: Yes
3: Yes
4: I think so, the doses are in drg. format and idk if you can turn them into mp3, i think you might but some people say that degrades it but iv listened to it from my ipod (i got them from itunes but theyv only got a few doses there)
Hope this helps!
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