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Eyes Open. (edited)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:07 pm
by cameraboirzu
I occasionally go onto the experience section that there is a link to on the I-Doser home page, to look at peoples experiences with some of the doses, so I can get a clear idea of what I should be looking for in a dose. Of course, I dont consciously think about what I should experience while taking a dose, and yes, many of the people are exadurating their thoughts and effects, but I do it anyway.

I've noticed a lot of them don't do it the "proper" way, by laying down, eyes shut, and concentrating; rather they sit in their chairs, but on earphones, and surf the web and play on the net. I sifted through, and ignored the people who's experiences I thought were far fetched, and looked at the people who I'm positive did it eyes open, and looked at what they experienced. So I am currently trying it for myself.

I'm listening to Absinthe, and I'm 26% in. I have done 3 placebo "checks" and I am positive this is not the case. I'm currently in quite of a clear-headed haze. I can only imagine what this will turn into. Please understand, that this is the only thing I can hear. Currently, my only thoughts are what I am typing, and...well thats it. That and the sound are what occupies my head at the moment. I feel like my thoughts are easier to express right now, but I feel almost...well, drunk? I try not to be influenced by the store description, but I assume this dose comes close.

I'm actually only 33% in now, and I feel lthe same. I feel tingly as well, almost with a body buzz. I have a jittery feeling thats creating some sort of stimulant effect in my hands almost. I feel like my typing could just go on and on. I feel like I'm rambling almost.

I finished not to long ago. I want to say 20 minutes ago. I sat up when it ended, and got the auditory distortions that are normal from listening to I-Doser. I just walked aimlessly for about 5 minutes away from my computer, I would just stare at things, everything is more pleasing to the eye, "softer" if you will. Thoughts come by a lot quicker, as well as a bunch of questions, and are clear and precise (like the description states) however actions, are harder to perform. I feel inebriated to a certain degree, almost like i'm crossfaded. I feel high and drunk at the same time, with a mix of "smart drug" somewhere. I'm feeling a lot of things, a nice body buzz when I sit, a great head high, and I feel smarter...yet dumber. I feel like i'm perceiving things differently. I wen't outside to listen to the rain, and I began to think, "why is my house on a hill" and even 15 minutes after the dose ended I had the same auditory distortions from the first minutes of finishing.

I wen't to get some string cheese, and bothered my brother with questions, about what he was doing, almost like there was no satisfying me. This is taking a while to type, as I am still under the influence of this dose. Don't get me wrong, I can type quite well right now, and my thoughts are blurry...yet clear, but I seem to be having trouble typing. I love this dose so far.

I may start keeping an actual journal to write in after I finish dosing, from now on.

Saturday Semptember 5th, 2009:

I've been dosing eyes open a lot recently, and I find that its a tad weaker, but not by much; as long as I don't get major distractions like people talking to me, because normally if i'm dosing people assume I'm sleeping and leave me alone.

I'm using white crosses. And I'm 50% in. I feel more alert. My eyelid is twitching, as so is my rectum (yes, I said rectum) I also feel a great deal of euphoria and comfortability (polar opposite of the "semi" stimulation)

I can't compare the stimulation to cocaineQH, because I dont physically want to move, but my brain is going faster. I'm very curious of things that are moving around me. I feel somewhat trippy. What an occassion. I used the word trippy. Maybe I'm giving myself a placebo? Who cares, my friends are in the other room watching the boondocks, and I'm going to join them soon. I wonder what will be different.

Whoa, thinking back, the tones are a lot louder now than they were in the beginning. I feel very euphoric/trippy/smart right now. Im rereading what I'm saying and it looks like shit; but as it comes out...beautiful man. I'm actually enjoying this. It seems like the most fun I've had using I-doser besides absinthe. I don't want it to seem like I don't like Vico; but hey, this is better. Maybe in the future I'll look back and won't agree. Who knows, right?

66% through. The tones picked up again. I can hear people chanting that "now! now! now!" thing that I've heard other people describe. Quite funny when you think about it. Do I sound like Holden from that Catcher in the Rye book that I had to read in high school? I think so, I feel so random. I'm touching a lot of ground. Now! Now! Now!

To be honest, i'm not superiorly fucked up. I'm mostly just typing my thoughts. It helps me take doses eyes open actually. Its my concentration technique that I've perfected. To be honest, I do this alot, I just don't publish it to the site. I have like 10 of them saved to my computer. Sometimes I'll just count backwards from a high number, except I spell out the numbers, and its not exactly that high of a number. Like fifty, I could do fifty. Anyway, I do think this is changing my perception of things, and I'm thinking differently, but I'm not fucked up.

77%: I'm anticipating the ending. I'm going to sit back and close my eyes for a bit.

87%: Stimulation hit. I felt my pulse speed up a lot. I feel VERY euphoric. Almost like a really awesome body high on some "stuff" I SWEAR TO GOD. I was seeing really weird OEVs. I kept moving my eyes and it continued to happen: the keyboard and desk was creaping towards me. It would never reach me, but it continuously came at me. And then I stared at the text I was typing a while ago. It felt (looking back) that me staring at the text was a dream. I like this dose.

97%: Tones getting softer and softer. I can actually HEAR my typing now. I still feel kind of weird. I'll see how things go while I watch the boondocks. I'll see everyone later :D

I know this last update was cheesy btw. But its what I do.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:59 pm
by lamppost10
How did you perform a placebo check?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:13 pm
by cameraboirzu
lamppost10 wrote:How did you perform a placebo check?
Dont quote me on this, but I check if for a placebo by closing my eyes and just shaking my head around.
Sometimes I just stand up and jump a couple times.
If I feel the same I assume its not a placebo.
It very well could be a placebo, but I'd like to know that it isnt. So I wont investigate.

I may take back my post from earlier about Vico being my favorite. If you can find the time, Absinthe really is great.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:44 am
by cameraboirzu
updated, man.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:23 am
by Matt0
I have tried doses with eyes open and playing on the internet a few times, I got effects but they were small and probably less then what I can get with the proper way.

What I'm trying to do is do that long enough where I can get full effects, like practice concentrating on the sounds and one thing on the internet at a time. Needless to say, the louder the volume is, the easier it will be to concentrate on it so I usually put it on full blast when I do this.

I still do it the proper way most of the time though. Right now I have 2 goals with i-doser. 1 is to become more patient with the long doses (30 minutes and up) and 2 is to be able to get the effects while multi tasking with at least one other thing.

Edit: I am relaxed when I do it with multi tasking too, even with full volume

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:01 pm
by cameraboirzu
I'm actually surprised it work. I think it comes with experience. Your brain can pick up things it's used to, even with distractions.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:25 pm
by skatekid24
man, i've never tried eye's open but i think i will. I got White Crosses about a week ago so i think i'll try it soon. Try black sunshine too, i've gotten some good stuff from that one. and yeah, you sorta do sound like holden. haha

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:53 pm
by cameraboirzu
skatekid24 wrote:man, i've never tried eye's open but i think i will. I got White Crosses about a week ago so i think i'll try it soon. Try black sunshine too, i've gotten some good stuff from that one. and yeah, you sorta do sound like holden. haha
I think cadaver told me BlackSunshine was a bad one. But I may just buy it anyway. Weren't White crosses and black sunshine created in conjunction with each other anyway?
Highly suggest white crosses.
If your experienced do eyes open; if your not, try it anyway.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:59 pm
by skatekid24
yeah, black sunshine is like a sequel dose or something. I wouldn't call myself experienced, but i'm not new to this. I sorta imbetween

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:29 pm
by cameraboirzu
skatekid24 wrote:yeah, black sunshine is like a sequel dose or something. I wouldn't call myself experienced, but i'm not new to this. I sorta imbetween
Do it anyway.
I think after I use my hash dose and Brain+ dose that I haven't tried yet I'll consider purchashing a couple more doses soon.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:24 pm
by Jhoff10
It's kinda funny that this does actually work. I'm listing to the alcohol dose and defiantly feel a bit drunk. I remember one day checking really early posts by people who thought you were just suppose to listen to the sounds, not lie down. I always wondered if they were just getting really good placebo effects. I guess not.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:43 pm
by cameraboirzu
Jhoff10 wrote:It's kinda funny that this does actually work. I'm listing to the alcohol dose and defiantly feel a bit drunk. I remember one day checking really early posts by people who thought you were just suppose to listen to the sounds, not lie down. I always wondered if they were just getting really good placebo effects. I guess not.
Maybe they were and so are we :)
But I think as long as you concentrate you can be affected by binaurals.

This eyes open, reading and typing method works est with people who are good typers because they don't have to think about their typing very much.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:32 am
by Matt0
cameraboirzu wrote:
This eyes open, reading and typing method works est with people who are good typers because they don't have to think about their typing very much.
I think this goes for anything you do. as long as you dont have to think much about what you're doing you can get effects. like something you're really good at that you can do without thinking much.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:51 pm
by cameraboirzu
Yeah. I dint know what else you could do though. Read a book maybe.