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what's up guys!

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:31 pm
by mikeylyons
hey, i'm mikey. i'm new to i-doser.

i just had a few questions about i-doser.

1-is it safe? like if i do a dose of LSD, will i be drained out afterwards like with a real dose?

2-probably a stupid question, but can you do a dose more than once? or does the file become invalid after using it or something?

3-if i do the marijuana dose (again, stupid question, but i just don't really get how it works) will it show up on a test, or does the dose just recreate the feelings of being high?

thanks, guys.


Re: what's up guys!

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:52 am
by Bastard
1. It is completely safe, it just creates the feeling by binaural beats.
2. You can use dose as many times as you want
3. It won't show in any tests since it's only in your brainwaves