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Hand of God?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:25 am
by Mike3667
What exactly is it.. It's worth something crazy like $200 but why? It seems... scary.. What does it make you do?


Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:42 am
by leinad196
Hand of God, Gate of Hades, A-Bomb, Adrenochrome and Aftermath all uses the same frequencies..... The only difference is the smoothness of the pink noise, and which carrier frequencies (audible pitch) they use.
It is claimed that different carrier frequencies and pink noise smoothness makes the preset stronger or weaker. I think it is claimed that lower carrier frequencies and pink noise smoothness makes the preset stronger, and it also seems like this when you take a look at these "doses"
From the strongest to the weakest, I would range them like this:
1. Hand of God
2. Gate of Hades
3. Adrenochrome
4. A-Bomb

I'm not sure if this is right, it is just my opinion. Please disagree anyone, if you got backup :)

I did not write the frequencies used, neither the carrier frequencies or pink noise smoothness, because of I-Doser copyright :P

EDIT: Oops, I meant pink noise VOLUME, not smoothness xD ......

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:07 am
by cameraboirzu
Think of it like this: It's a 30 minute SONG. Would you pay $200 for any song, despite what it may do to you?
Plus theres a chance that it wouldn't work on you. That would suck.
I've said this before: If I'm paying $200 for a song, it better make me jizz each time I hear it, (no, not the orgasm dose)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:06 am
by NeapolitanHusky
From what I know, I'm assuming Hand of God is so expensive because they're trying to discourage you from getting it.

If you browse around YouTube and check out some experience logs, you'll probably learn that it's universally considered the strongest dose, and has a wide variety of effects on the listener which... Often ends in tears.

Some people are terrified when they hear it. Others are enlightened and uplifted. But most end up crying either way.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:59 pm
by cameraboirzu
NeapolitanHusky wrote:From what I know, I'm assuming Hand of God is so expensive because they're trying to discourage you from getting it.

If you browse around YouTube and check out some experience logs, you'll probably learn that it's universally considered the strongest dose, and has a wide variety of effects on the listener which... Often ends in tears.

Some people are terrified when they hear it. Others are enlightened and uplifted. But most end up crying either way.
Most of the people on youtube are faking it.

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:28 pm
by Frankoman
"A dose that has been a lifetime achievement for, and only held internal to I-Doser Labs for a very good reason: It isn’t meant for public consumption because it is considered just too powerful. It’s like the Holy One reaches from the sky, as you lay with closed eyes, and shows you the world. Only 5 people have ever witnessed the power of this dose, and it was put away in the I-Doser vault for fear of release. Fluttering eyelids, great and almost supernatural clairvoyance, rings of light and great insight, but all this comes with a price. It could also force great fear, an unknowing realization of self, and a breakdown of all senses. Weeping, fear, anger: you need to realize with such insight could come with bad consequences."

If I had the 200 dollars I would try it, Gates of Hades had the most powerful effects ever on me causing me that I couldn't even finish it the first time around. If I were to get 200 dollars, I'd want to spend it on a dose I'd be able to use.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:27 pm
by cameraboirzu
Frankoman wrote:If I had the 200 dollars I would try it, Gates of Hades had the most powerful effects ever on me causing me that I couldn't even finish it the first time around. If I were to get 200 dollars, I'd want to spend it on a dose I'd be able to use.
Spend your money however you want. You people just surprise me. No dose, is THAT strong, no matter what ANY description in the dose store says.

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:50 pm
by martgros
Well i would disagree, its stronger... the dose starts round calm, and at 75% or so it explodes!

I didn't try it my self, but i was on the pc, while a friend of mine, insted to try it out, and for fear of it, i hang around monitoring. At the point it exploded both he and i started screaming(yes though he was with headphones i was not to far, so i could barely but still hear it), with the thing(though me more about the suprise), and he through the headphones to the goung (at wicth point 5 sec later i muted the pc), at through himself to the wall, saying his arms were on fire, and that he was seing stuff like monsters everywhere... after a while, everything looked as he said like family guy, but if i made a sudden move he would scream, and when i was scaching my face (yes he screamed again) saying it was coming out... 4 hours later, i was there to pass the night over, we went to bed, but he was still so scared we had to let the light on. Even i felt weird after hearing that, though not as he, but still. And believe me he's not the kind of guy to get scared heasly, but it had such efect on him, it looked like another person, after a few hours he started to deal with it and asking things like "is that monster on the courtain real?", but if i screamed a bit to see if he was ok, he still jumped and screamed with fear... well the efect on him was the most i think it could be (remember he took the headphones like 3 4 secs after the explosion stared and i muted it in 5 or so), if your thinking no he was not playing me, i could actually see the fear in his eyes, he almost cryied(never saw him like that as i said he's not the kind of person you see crying or with fear), it was so terrifing now he can barely remember it, must have blocked it out or so... but i think it was also becouse he was takken by surprise, and it was like the second dose he made. I don't think he acctualy buyied it(must have found it somewhere, not to hard as he said to me), but i surely didn't want to try the dose after that.

But if thats the sord of stuff you want, and your not good enough with the machine to go around the 200 bucks, then its totaly worth it, its like life changing if you hear it till the end i believe, and of course if it has effect on you (but i think it will have a way or another).

Well sorry for the big text but i just had to say it, and sorry by any mistakes. Oh and despite what my friend did i always encourage to buy the original dose, and support i-doser.