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Since I'm new I have a couple of questions

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:37 pm
by Gmanx
Well, I am new to I-doser and I have gotten some effects out of the doses like I have mentioned in a previous post, but I want to have better, stronger effects, I'm still questioning which is the best way to listen to I-doser. Sitting up, laying down, eyes opened, eyes closed, can you move, do you have to sit still.

Basically im asking what is the best postion to get the best effects from these doses? I would appreciate a reply and thank you. :-)

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:35 pm
by Frankoman
Honestly, I find the most important thing about getting a dose to work is to be relaxed. It doesn't matter what position you're in, as long as your comfortable and completely relaxed and you can be for along period of time you will be okay. To start, try laying down with your headphones on. I find it always helps to be in total darkness and with your eyes closed. Laying down on a comfortable surface at first is good because you know you won't be fidgeting like you would be in a chair. but its all dependent on how comfortable you are and how relaxed you are. Thats why some vet dosers can go in any position.

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:16 pm
by lynam95
I practice meditation, so I find it enhances my effects greatly. but, you can try whatever keeps you relaxed and focused. You can sit in a chair, but a bed or couch with eyes closed is better.

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:31 pm
by Frankoman
Also, if you are going to do it in a chair, turn off the monitor. It is much better because you don't have the monitors lights glowing in your face. Your eyelids are only so thick.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:30 pm
by cameraboirzu
You COULD use the search button (hint hint)
or you could go to this link:

Re: Since I'm new I have a couple of questions

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:17 pm
by Legal_shmegal
Gmanx wrote:Well, I am new to I-doser and I have gotten some effects out of the doses like I have mentioned in a previous post, but I want to have better, stronger effects, I'm still questioning which is the best way to listen to I-doser. Sitting up, laying down, eyes opened, eyes closed, can you move, do you have to sit still.

Basically im asking what is the best postion to get the best effects from these doses? I would appreciate a reply and thank you. :-)

first, you have to prepare a bit.....lay down on a bed or something comfy, have the lighting dim (i use candles), start the dose, then turn off your comp monitor so it doesnt mess with the lighting....also make sure you wont get destracted by anything around you..

theres two main things about a binural beat session

first main thing is to understand how binural beats work.... the beat isn't there, its just two brain converts it to another beat but only if you are concentrating really well..... you can amplify it, just by paying more attention and letting your mind go with it

laying down is the second most important part, because all your muscles need to be relaxed .

hope this helps with your session! :D