Was this a lucid dream?

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Was this a lucid dream?

Post by savvvii »

alright so i am veryy very new to this. However, lucid dreaming and OOBE and AP are extreamly interesting to me. When i was 8 or 9 years old i remember having these two dreams, and reading about lucid dreaming made me believe that i expereniced it.
I have always been facinated with dreams, and when i was younger i always though how cool it would be to know i was dreaming in a dream and be able to wish for whatever i want and have in given to me. I used to think about it before i went to bed all the time, but it never happened.
One night i was at my mom's house with my best friend, I woke up at 2 in the morning and woke her up too. We were watching TV when i fell asleep. I was in a dark, empty room, that i somehow knew was my bedroom at my dad's house, and knew i was dreaming, i wished i had hair to my knees(because that was what i despertly wanted when i was 9) and got it, i then wished for different clothes and my room to be decorated(nothing else came to my mind that i wanted to do) i then heard my friend in the real world call my name and sign when she saw i was asleep, i could have woken up but i chose not too. She then jumped in my dream with me, and i explained what was going on and she started wishing for things too. I woke up 30 minuets later and told her all about it. When i went back to sleep I knew i was dreaming again, but it wasnt the same, not as real. I asked for hair to me knees again and this ball of energy appeared and said i could only have it if i helped him take over the world(?) i said i would and he gave it to me, and when i said i was lying he took it back, the rest of the dream was him trying to persuade me to help him, but i knew he was evil so i refused.

that happened in the same night, a long time ago..
is that a lucid dream?
can anyone explain how it happened?
was it just becuase i wanted it to happen so much?
i dont remember thinking about it that night, like i usually did before i went to bed, so it was a weird night for it to happen.

also, and this will be quick. Another dream i had I didnt know i was dreaming until the very end of the dream. I was in a car driving up a moutain with my family, I asked my dad if I could just jump out of the car because i was in a dream and i was really bored. He recommaned i didnt, and i was too scared i would get hurt so i stayed in the car. I was really frustrated and angry that i couldnt wake myself up from my dream, and hoping it was time to wake up. A few seconds(or thats how long it was in my dream) later my step mom woke me up.
^^ now that i think about it alot of things like me realizing i was dreaming at the very end of my dream, or thinking back on a dream and not remembering if it was a dream or actually happened used to happen to me alot when i was very little, like 6 and 7.
any thoughts? please comment and tell me anything..
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Post by savvvii »

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Post by thrice123321 »

I believe it was a lucid dream since you said that you knew you were dreaming and could make things appear and this probably happened because you said you woke up and than went back to sleep (unless I misread) which make it a lot easier to have a lucid dream. If your still intrested in lucid dreams I found something that worked really well. Next time you wake up after any kind of dream imagine something spinning around very fast and it's almost guranteed you'll get put right back into that dream, and you have this very odd feel good feeling right before you enter your dream again. Good luck and have fun dreaming. :)
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