dose in the open air!

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does it works in open air (ouside)

yes, but it wasnt better that dim lights etc
yes, and it was better than normaly
yes, but it was the same
nope, will try...
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dose in the open air!

Post by deoxide »

i tryed a dose in the open air,
i did have sunglases on, but it was insayn!!!
i did a-bom......or whas it crystal meth...wel i can remember i just took one radomly(stupid me:P)
but my god!!!
within 5 min my body felt like a wave, and it felt like my bodyparts where breathin...
and i had some visuals to....
maybe you can try it in the "open" to, because it worked so quick and strong....
it was scary but absolutly a great experiance...
try please..
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Post by Dr.Insaneo »

id try but my computer dosent stretch out there :-( its like -20 out
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Post by Couch »

what was outside that would make it work better? were you just more relaxed, or what?
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Post by kfed »

Going to try this with my ipod on the beach
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Post by deoxide »

Couch wrote:what was outside that would make it work better? were you just more relaxed, or what?
i dunno, but maybe its because outside your with more air & stuff :D :lol:
or maybe because you can relax more.
its worth trying,
i like to hear it if others have done this!!
so if you did....please respont...
btw, i was on a balcony with no people at all, the beach would be a problem i guess
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Post by Couch »

most people don't have long enough cords on their headphones to make this work, plus all the cars driving by all the time...

but if it works for you, i can't see why others don't give it a shot
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Post by anhevi »

i sometimes do mary jane in my garden, sitting on my bench using wireless ear phones (were about 70 Euro = 105 dollars... the brand is sennheiser) it really helps me to get better efects
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Post by username48 »

well beingoutside is sooo relaxing. just sitting there....and if u dont have wireless headphones, use the mp3s. plus, if ur doing a tripping dose, you can interact with your surroundings.
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Post by -steinz »

Well, i once did ABomb outside, sunny day, comfy breeze, etc, and it was awesome, i was colours waving by, like glowsticks or something, it was uber =D
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