Lucid Dreams Dangerous?

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Lucid Dreams Dangerous?

Post by john225 »

I have a question are lucid dreams dangerous is it possible that i can confused the reallife with the dream ?
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Post by skatekid24 »

it doesn't matter what you think in the dream, its just a dream so you'll wake up eventually
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Post by john225 »

Did i understand it right . I must hear the lucid dream dose and after the dose finished i go sleeping?
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Post by skatekid24 »

you can do that. but the point of the dose is to use it while performing the steps to lucid dream, then when the dose is done, you should be asleep and lucid dreaming.
just so you know, the dose doesn't make you lucid dream. it only helps you achieve lucid dreaming
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Post by john225 »

That is the reason why it did not work yesterday. I have listened to the dose befor i went sleep.Wo I can find the steps that I should do.
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Post by john225 »

Yesterday i tryed it again and my whole body was vibrating and my body felt heavy ist that normal?
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Post by c00kiesryummy »

That's Sleep Paralysis and I haven't had it but its supposed to be normal
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Post by Lance »

The best and most effective way to lucid dream is to become very disciplined in your mind and every night before you go to sleep to focus on what you would like to gain from the dream. When you become concious in the dream the best way to stay in it longer is to look at your hands. I don't know why that works but it does. Once I was having a crazy dream and realized it was a dream I built a staircase in front of me and climbed all the way up it to get to heaven were I met God. When I met him we were in a room that looked like we were under water. God was dressed in white attire and looked blurry so I could only make out his figure. He said the words aku nabi to me and when I went to meet him he ran away and I woke up. I looked up the words aku nabi and it turned out that nabi means prophet in hebrew which is the language that God first created and is the language that Jesus and most people in the Bible spoke in. Aku was some type of moon God in ancient Babylon. But remember when you become concious in your dream to look at your hands, it is the best way of staying in it longer
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Post by gregohks »

well,i have already been in a lucid dream like 10 times ( one night i had 5 lucid one after another :lol: ) a simple way i.m.o to get one is to sleep in the day for 3-5 hours so you wont be sleepy in the night.If you did so try to sleep in the night (it will be hard if you already slept 5 hours in the afternoon or so ) and try not to move your like 30-40 minutes if you were concetrated you will have a lucid...
and no, lucid arent dangerous,i once dreamed that i fell off a building :lol: :lol:

oh forgot to mention,sometimes you will "understand" when you are going to lucid because of some paralyssis you's like electricity going through your whole body,making it unable to move,well its kinda tricky because if you lose your concetration and think of that paralyssis like " yeah now im gonna lucid thank God" well you wont :D
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Re: Lucid Dreams Dangerous?

Post by Jennis25 »

I don't believe so. Why would you think they were? To my knowledge there is no evidence to show that there is anything unsafe about having a lucid dream. However, some tactics that certain people might use to achieve one, may pose some risk.

For example, sleep deprivation is unhealthy, but I personally find if I haven't slept in awhile, when I do sleep, I get more intense dreams, and therefore, have a better chance at lucidity. But I don't do this purposefully to become lucid. Lucid dreams can be achieved through a number of techniques that pose no risk at all, such as MILD, DILD, reality testing, etc. Some people also take supplements to increase their risk of LD, or their frequency of it. Some supplements can pose some risk, but some are vitamins and minerals that your body needs and can be taken in safe doses to make you more likely to LD (but be sure not to exceed a safe dose)- and many people take these vitamins, anyway. Also, they can be obtained through eating more foods or drinking more drinks with the said supplement in it.

Sometimes an LD happens spontaneously, without even trying for it. There's nothing dangerous, that I know of, about LD'ing- just make sure that, IF you are actually inducing LDs, you choose a safe method or safe methods to get there! And there are many safe methods you can try!
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Re: Lucid Dreams Dangerous?

Post by BarCon »

I don't think it's dangerous. It's just a dream. Even if you lose track of reality, you'll wake up anyway.
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Re: Lucid Dreams Dangerous?

Post by SpaceMiNd »

No, for practiced lucid dreaming you would have a trigger (ie. a red ball bouncing by you, a dolphin singing opera, stuff like that) but one sure proof way to tell if you're dreaming or not is to look at a piece of text, f you look at it then look away and look back at it again and it is moving or you can't tell what it says, or it is just flat out different, then it's a dream,
Happy Dosing - SpaceMiNd
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Re: Lucid Dreams Dangerous?

Post by Backspacez »

I'm going to second Spacemind. There is nothing harmful about lucid dreaming. Contrary to what some people say, it's not like an OBE or something. Your "soul" doesn't leave your body. Your dreaming, it's just a generated world by your subconscious. If you were to die, you just wake up.
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Re: Lucid Dreams Dangerous?

Post by Liustares »

There's always bizarre things going on in dreams and that helps you to recognize whether you're dreaming or not. Is what many call "Dream Signs", you can recognize them in order to achieve lucidity during a dream. People tend to have their own Dream Signs, for example, somebody may see that in his/her dreams the sky always looks green while another person may dream very commonly that cats can talk, etc.
Dream Signs are events, objects, creatures and many other things that often happen and appear in your dreams and that you can use to differentiate a dream from reality and to achieve lucid dreaming.
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Re: Lucid Dreams Dangerous?

Post by henri3 »

I don't think it is dangerous if you are perfectly sane. If you had mental health issues then obviously I wouldn't recommend it. Dreaming is not dangerous so I can't see how another form of dreaming can be under normal circumstances. You can read about interpreting dreams here with an online dream site like if you are really curious about what your dreams mean.
Last edited by henri3 on Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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