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First time user! TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:20 am
by Steve_A
Hello, there introducing myself, and I am completely new to this thing but I just did my first dose, it was the marijuana one. But getting here is a long story.

but all I can say is this stuff really works, least I think so.

I did the 45 minute one, laid down with my iTouch put my hands on the covers ( I already had the lights off) closed my eyes and went for it.

This is what I got out of it.

The person had a question on iDosers, I never heard of it. So I start doing some research and watched alot of youtube videos and honestly scared me more than anything.

So after alittle bit of reading I figured only one way to find out! Now I am going to copy and pasted what I answered at because I wrote alot.

Also a little bit about myself.
I already think of WERID shit on a daily basis.Seriously screwed up stuff. Could explain somethings....
I play music (guitar and alto sax) also could explain why I heard so much music?
I am 19, so I guess my ears are still decent enough to hear the waves, because from what I heard if you do not hear the waves as in older people or adults you may not get the effect.

Here is mine

Ok, I just did it and wow that was very cool and interseting, I was a bit nervous at first. Heres what happened to me on the marijuana iDoser.
I lay down, everything was dark, I relaxed and played it. The first thing I notice was my eyes were like twitching almost like I was blinking with my eyes closed. Then after a minute maybe I settled and nothing much happened.

Also I had I would say 2 or 3 points were I felt like my eyes opened but they never did the whole time it was weird maybe they did?

Some images I had were odd and random, I had one with a girl in a bunched up with her back split open so you could see her spine but it was not bloody or nasty , and she was on her knees giving me oral, I swear I can not make this up. But I do think of weird shit all the time SO was it me or the effects of the sound I don’t know….combination? possibly…...
I had one point where I felt like a just figure came up and what would have been my left arm, just above my wrist but it was not really scary its
hard to explain…

Also towards the end of it the noise which sounds like a TV static but not loud and annoying, and what sounds like a constant wave of a single sound that is always shifting or something of the like.but when it slowed down or came to end…my eyes did the same thing they began to blink or twitch not sure what was happening almost like I entered and exited the same state of mind.

NOW the I had 2 things that freaked me out but also interesting. At another point later on after the left arm incident it seemed like someone or something like walked up past my edge of the bed and I SWEAR I heard “cheet-a” kinda of distant and quick but I swear it was there. Cheetah is my nickname my family back when I was smaller called me that alot, my aunt and few others still do.
The next thing that was maybe the best part for me music! at one point it almost kind from no where a bit of music came about and it was something I had written then it went off into its own thing but what was strange it was all classical, violin type sounding, orchestral and band sounds nothing else really.

At this point I found when I focused without trying hard or thinking just kind of focus in the middle of the noise happening there was music it was so cool.

A way I would describe is that it was like sitting at a radio,staring at it, on a station with static and then after a while you tune-in with your mind and ears and there was music but it kept coming out in classical style and violin prominently.

But just as a side note this past week I have listened to A LOT of classical music this could explain it and maybe it was buried in my sub-conscious? Again I am not even sure.Because at some points I had a piece I made it up come out, some Beethoven, and then just random phrases and melodies. And once it starting happening I want to say maybe in the middle of the 45 minute dose did it happen but it stayed on till the end…but it did not fade out, just kind of ended with the fading of the actual dose music itself.

That was probably the biggest details of it all, and I am trying to write as much as possible before I forget anything. I would say that the parts where nothing much was happening I did a lot of thinking and talking to myself (but I do this anyways lol) and a lot of random images, mostly just odd,somewhat grotesue and dark.
one that bothered me was my mom with a angry/snarling face.I think that could be tied to something since me and my mom are very distant no real

Anyways thats what I got out of it. And I also heard though that the older you get since you become more deaf and all that you may have a hard time hearing certain sound frequencies, which would make the effect of it hard to work.I am 19 so maybe because my ears are not damaged too much yet I was able to get the effect?
This is just from what I have read and researched though so I could be wrong, and it might easily work on anybody?

EDIT : Just to add some of the physcial things I felt from my body was my left leg from my knee cap to the hip, I guess your quads right? Was always kind of tight.
My hands and head felt the most strange. I had my hands laid on top of my chest/sternum area left hand on top and right hand bottom laid down on top of the bed sheet covers.They did feel kind of numb and “airy” at some points and the more I got in and relaxed the less I even thought about them.
My head kind of tensed up and relaxed specially around the temple , like it was kind of heavy.
Other than that nothing much happened physically.

--> Again I copied and pasted because I wrote alot and that was right after I did it so as I did not forget much of it since I probably would later on in the day.

Anyways, I found this to be really cool, I was VERY skeptical and scared at first.

And an ending note, I seen the videos for Gates of Hades and Hand of God WOW, screw that LOL I want to live! :eek:

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:18 pm
by skatekid24
So you used the iTunes doses. You might wanna try the .drg doses from the iDoser store. Its only around 5 dollars a dose

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:38 pm
by Bloodbane424
GoH and HoG can't kill you. It's just sounds. l2deductivereasoning

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:01 am
by marijking
Steve_A wrote:Also a little bit about myself.
I already think of WERID shit on a daily basis.Seriously screwed up stuff. Could explain somethings....
I play music (guitar and alto sax) also could explain why I heard so much music?
I am 19, so I guess my ears are still decent enough to hear the waves, because from what I heard if you do not hear the waves as in older people or adults you may not get the effect.
Like really wtf??? Say that u think about WEIRD stuff and WEIRD things, but when u think about weird shit whole day, then here is what u think about: ... a=N&tab=wi

But i liked ur post. I luv i-doser too:D.