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Some questions, new to this magic.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:18 pm
by Vincentt
Hello all, new to the forums, and to this magic in my earphones.

I have some questions, I have quite some drg files now, maruahanaQH, tripQH and some other,

First time i did the maruahana QH, first time i used i-doser, it felt like I went out of my body, and i had some weird visions about fat people exploding, like really no offence, sorry if i am, its just what i saw, its hard to remember, its 2 days ago now or something. about the crackling, first time i shocked, but went on afterwards, second time ( when i didn't notice any effects btw) I wasn't scared as i knew it was coming, I read up about the inhalant, or whatever its called, got it, and i read at 35% (actually is 33%) the demonic crackling comes, i heard it, will never play it off again man was i scared, but now i ahve this problem, I am really scared of the crackling now in the QH of maruhana, as I just tried it again, and what i felt was like my heartbeat was very intense, like everytime i got a heartbeat my whole chair moved along, I also had like that my eyelids were flickering, hard to keep still, are all these effects usual? and I am not sure how good it works on me, and oh yes, when i did tripQH I had the feeling that I was falling out of my chair, like the whole session, when it was done i didn't feel anything anymore, I want crazier effects, should I just be patient and do it loads of times? Oh and yes, does it do any harm if you do it like 10 times a day? (: Sorry for the wall of text, many thanks in advance, and thank you creators of I-doser, creators of magic.


Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:25 pm
by Bloodbane424
I wouldn't really refer to it as magic, it's binaural beats, a technology that has been around for a while.

Second of all the effects you're getting don't seem close to what MarijuanaQH is like, so they will definitely get a lot stronger.

Just be patient and try not to think about what will happen or the effects you'll get, just let them come naturally. Eventually you'll have confidence in I-Doser once it starts working and you wont be worrying as much about whether or not it will work and what will happen.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:42 am
by Jan de stink
Eh.. err.. Do I know you??..
My name is Ruben Veilbrief, and I am a little bit massive but totally not fat or unconfident about it.

Well I think you should stop doing MarijuanaQH if it makes you see fat people explode. Not that I am fat, or anything. No, That's totally not what i'm saying, right? Right? Cool? Right? I'm just saying, you should stop saying such things cause you might offend others.

Wel triest dat je nu door inhalant geen Marijuana meer kan doen..

*note : not meant to by taken serious *

Oh, and I can imagine why he tends to call it "magic"
For a person who has never experienced that it works, it sounds really implausible.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:24 pm
by Bloodbane424
Seeing fat people exploding could be completely placebo since MarijuanaQH isn't a hallucinagenic dose. A lot of the time near the beginning people only experience a placebo effect, which explains the weird experiences that are unrelate to the dose's effects. Just keep trying.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:49 pm
by Vincentt
Ok, but hoiw long will it take b4 i feel something?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:58 pm
by Bloodbane424
It varies person to person, but you'll feel the effects build up and get stronger each time.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:13 pm
by Vincentt
Hmm okay, well I tried tripQH sometimes now, still no to little effect,

I recently tried A Bomb, after a while I felt like my arms were 10 meters long, and I only felt my elbows and thumbs, the other parts of my arm i couldn't feel no more, not experienced more with a bomb, also tried black sunshine, no effect. I really wanna get effects so bad lol. tho the doses are relaxing. :)