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Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:27 pm
by kenta7795
I've tried this before in the past... and to say that I was actually surprised at how good it worked. I took 225 MG of it, and I weigh close to about 110 pounds.

I just took 275 mg of the pills just to see if there would be a difference, there was only 2 caps left, so what the hell.

I'd like to say that this is like eating pot brownies(or whatever you choose, I've only tried it with brownies). You don't feel it for an hour or so, then it hits you like a fuckin train.

At the beginning you won't really notice much, but for some reason Benadryl makes me need to piss a lot. So i continue walked from my computer chair to my bathroom, and I noticed every time I walked back and forth my balance was off.

It gave me the same paranoid feeling that the pot brownies gave me. I was really nervous and stuff, maybe close to a disphoria(opposite of euphoria). I didn't like this feeling so i tried to sleep... But I was standing up putting only my head on my bed... idk why. And i was hearing voices in my head and wouldn't allow me to sleep. I went back on my computer and I started hearing and seeing things. Then I wasn't able to tell if shit was real or not. I didn't want to move, I was too scared too. Didn't want to do anything stupid, parents were coming home soon.

When my parents got home about 2 hours later, the effects were still the same, but my balance was a little bit better. I didn't want my parents to think I was high, so I hopped in the shower, and that seemed to sober me up. Then I went to bed like 3 hours early.

I haven't tried too many drugs in my past, just Marijuana, Robitussin, and some other shit I forgot.
But i'd rate it a 9/10. It's really cheap and easy to get, I got a 48 pack for 8 bucks at wallgreens.

I'm not really sure how much you need, but 225 for me was pretty awesome and stuff. But I do weigh 110 pounds, and I'd say thats pretty light for my age group. I'm almost 15.

Re: Diphenhydramine(Benadryl)

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:14 pm
by toewsf4n
Diphenhydramine is a deliriant, which means it makes you feel as if you stayed up for 5 days straight which is why you get extremely tired and hallucinate (Nutmeg is also a deliriant). You seem to have had a much better time than me and it seems like everyone else who has tripped on Diph. I took only about 150mg but I weigh about the same as you, but a picture in my room looked like it was morphing into different shapes. This was about the only good thing. Soon after, I began to see scary dark figures moving behind me in the reflection from a Gatorade bottle. I was paranoid and then things started to flash and kind of motion blur appeared on things. It was exactly how it looks on the Saw movies when they switch scenes really fast when the people are dying and such. After that, I got extremely tired and extremely nauseous. I didnt throw up but it felt like I was going to about 10 times. I dont know if I would have rated it 9/10 for the fun factor but maybe for the just overall experience.

Re: Diphenhydramine(Benadryl)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:00 pm
by lolsack
Lol, wtf I've taken doses between 400 and 600mg and only had mild hallucinations, nothing really pronounced :/

Re: Diphenhydramine(Benadryl)

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:54 am
by RespectedCheerio
Why use drugs if you have I-Doser?

Re: Diphenhydramine(Benadryl)

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:13 pm
by lolsack
RespectedCheerio wrote:Why use drugs if you have I-Doser?
There be no DPH dose. Herp derp.

Re: Diphenhydramine(Benadryl)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:20 am
by 12y1
Omg Diphenhydramine that was a crazy Trip for me I took like 24 (600 mg) of benadryl and was fucking hallucinating like crazy, I thought I had 5 dollars in my couch and It never was there, I talked to fake people , Its like constantly waking up in dreams that are put on by the benadryl, I sorta enjoyed it because of the muscle relaxation, availability, and the hallucinations, but then I also enjoyed nutmeg too. :lol: yeah I haven't touched it since though, I might try it again in the future :roll: