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Extreme Marijuana Experience

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:00 pm
by Lance
I have been smoking marijuana for atleast two years now and I can say that it has completely changed my viewpoint on life, and has turned me into a very religious spiritual person. I have had many experiences but I don't think anything could prepare me for this night. One night while smoking marijuana I just happened to look at the moon. When I looked at the moon the sky looked like a huge television screen and the moon was a gigantic night light to this place that we live called Earth. The sky looked completely different, not literally but my viewpoint on it was different. I then glanced over to a group of stars on the left and they quickly rearranged and started forming light patterns. Next when I looked towards the right of the moon there appeared a reddish orangish light that was in the shape of a creature sitting down with two circular objects on each side of it's head with a triangular shaped face. As soon as I saw this my jaw completely dropped and all I can remember saying was oh my fucking God! I began crying very loud and acting hysterical. Next the light began to morph just like a geometric figure and it made the entire sky look as if it were changing colors. I looked back towards the group of stars to the left that had moved earlier and the sky wasn't even black anymore but the stars were forming into all sorts of light patterns. One of which looked like an E because I remember saying aloud is that an E? I went under my patio and looked away and looked back and all of this was still there. I went in my house in a state of disbelief as to what I had just saw. The next morning it all seemed like a vague memory but I have enough common sense to know that if a 27million degree light pops up in the sky everyday that something like that is definetly possible.The next day in school I told a friend of mine who is a female who only laughed and called me weird. Next I looked up star constellations of March 26th because that is when it happened and it just so happens that it is the constellation Aires who is a ram or a lamb with a pointy face and two circular horns on each side of it's head just like the creature I saw the night before. If that wasn't enough the same friend I told this to that called me weird came to school about a month later and said that on 420 night she and her friend were really high and looked up at the sky and saw the stars rearrange and form light patterns. She also said that they both saw it together at the same time which means that it couldn't have been a hallucination. This was definetly an extreme marijuana experience and has proved to me that God definetly made this plant for a divine purpose. I mean what are the odds of me smoking pot and seeing a star constellation only to find out later which was correct, and me having no prior knowledge on the subject period? And believe me If I wanted I could write hundreds and I literally mean hundreds of stories of me looking up in the sky and seeing stuff after smoking marijuana. This was just the only time that I manged to see it at night with the stars literally moving! One thing people need to realize is that marijuana is not a toy and can open doors to some serious stuff.

Re: Extreme Marijuana Experience

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:26 pm
by Steele
Probably laced.......

Re: Extreme Marijuana Experience

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 7:06 pm
by The_Tripster
Yeah dude that isn't weed man I've been smokin since I was 9 and I've never seen anything except this one time I thought there was a giant owl that landed on this tree and was starin at me but then I noticed it was just the tree movin in the wind.