Answers Round 11

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Answers Round 11

Post by idoser »


Are the free doses for PC only? I use a MAC.


Yes, the .drg files are for the PC player application only. We do not currently offer a MAC program. CDs and MP3s that can be played on any computer or media device are available from


Can you share your research? or process?


No, this is heavily guarded intellectual property. I-Doser became the leader in binaural technology based on over 10 years of research and refined process that we can not reveal. You can google or wikipedia "binaural brainwave" and get some good overviews of the general concept and some of the published research such as the monroe institute.


Can you put I-doser .drg files on a blank cd then play it on a stereo and get the same effects and if so how would i go about this?


No, standard computer conversion to MP3 will compress the sequence and make it non effective. I-Doser sells CDs and MP3s that use a patent pending process to give the most powerful effects available from these formats. You can purchase these from Self conversion is a good reason while most torrent or limewire-stle downloads of our doses are not effective at all.


So, I was going through the forums and randomly clicked on a profile. There I saw a spot for having an avatar. Is there some way to have an avatar for your forum profile?


No, this option was heavily abused and then disabled.


Do i need to use reset if i want to use another strong dose even though the previous one did not work?


This depends on the individual. Some have seen better results using condition and reset doses prior to a selected dose. You will have to make this judgment yourself. Some more experienced users don't see the need to use these pre-doses.


So when is the update for ios4 coming?


We don't publish release dates. When it's ready.


Can you tell me what some of the effects are that people receive?


See the Experiences link at There are hundreds of experiences there from actual users.


Do i need to keep eyes closed?or open?i need to sit?or lay down?if something itches don't itch it?do i need to keep my mind clear or i can think about something?


Depends on the individual. We recommend closed eyes, laying down, with no distractions. See the FAQ at Also recommended is the Users Guide available at that contains the EXPERIENCE METHOD for achieving greater results.


I use the new i-Doser App for the iPod, and I tried Astral Projection because it was free. Does this dose assist you in astral projecting or cause it? Also, I heard if the dose doesn't work the first time, just play it again and you will get better effects. Is that true?


Depends. In our research it assisted, but many reports of causing also. Some users have reported that continued use over time will help to achieve results.


With the list of approved and tested head phones, are those the ONLY ones that work or are those the ones that you've tested and worked? What are the ones that don't work?


They are tested and passed quality testing for giving the best results possible. We can comment on any other headphones. We recommend good quality headphones (as opposed to iphone/ipod style cheap earbuds included with the media players).


How many of the more famous full-length doses (HoG, GoH, adrenochrome, etc.) would you consider eventually making into a QH?


We don't comment on products in development or release dates.


I tried to download the ap, and a message popped up telling me I need itouch software update xxx?


Out iphone/ipod app is designed for the latest firmware. Please update your device.


how many times do I have to use the grey be gone dose? I already tried it out once and I think it a little effect on my hair. and do these have side effects?


Our QA team did twice a day, morning and night. No side effects.


What dose has the longest after effects and how long do they last?


This is completely dependable on too many factors to give a definite answer. Depends on person, administration method, environment, etc. Most of our doses are marked for how intense the effects are (Strong, mild, etc), but those are general guidelines.
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