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Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:51 am
by hopesdead
It worked for me, I tried this last night. Well, I could remember my dream at lest, but not control it. I don’t remember the whole dream, just waking up in the middle of it with certain ideas very vivid because they seemed important to what was going on at the moment.

In the dream I was on a beach, a gun in my hand trying to defend myself from people shooting at me. I was a t war with an organization similar to SD-6 from the show Alias. After a huge long battle, I turned to a man that looked like Victor Garber (who played the role of Jack Bristow on Alias). We had some conversation for a few minutes and after a while it turned into an argument. If you reversed the plot to Alias season 1, you got the gist of the dream. The Garber looking man argued that I was working for the CIA and it was fake, and the blackosp branch of the CIA that I believed to be fake was there to take down the CIA. Apparently the CIA from the inception was claiming to protect the nation but really just killing the people of the country (sort of like what Jason Bourn was doing in The Bourn Series) for their own gain. So in a furry of hate I pointed my gun at the man and threatened to kill him there, not believing a word he said. I guess I got scared of what might happen at the moment and didn’t shoot him. Instead I ran from him. Then he shot my left hand. The strange part of the dream was that I had a hand which needed to be cut off now. The old man then said he was sorry and I suddenly believed everything he told me. As we walked down the beach we found a store. The old man knew the woman who owned the shop. Her specialty was fake hands. So I went into the back of the store to pick out a hand. All the hands had three hooks on them. I picked the one with the closest wrist color to mine. The woman told me she would graph my skin, send it into a lab, they would print on paper the skin and I would receive it in the mail. All I needed to do was staple the paper that would turn into the rest of the hand with 5 fingers. Bad part was that I could ever use a hand with fingers or anything that moved. She would explain to me why. That was all I could remember.

I going to try this again tonight and see if my dreams are stronger or if I can control them.

Re: Lucid Dreams

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:08 pm
by kdsl
There was this clip on youtube that said the best time to try Lucid Dream is in the morning.

I came across this vid trying to find out what lucid dreaming is.

Re: Lucid Dreams

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:46 pm
by Roffamaffia
I tried this and I had so much dreams in one night it was crazy.