My Experiences.

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My Experiences.

Post by moyeboy359 »

This was my first I-doser and I don't really know how to explain what I felt. I felt as if the music was inside me slowly moving around my body clensing my soul of my troubles. Defenatly a great experience.

2.Astral Projection
This one was wierd. At first I thought it wasn't working, but suddenly I felt another version of my self floating above me. About half way through this other version shot up through the roof and out into the night sky. At this point I was laughing my ass off because I was flying! That's all I could think about was, "Holy shit! I'm flying!" When the music changed I stopped flying and started falling. This was scary because I was really high above the ground, but luckily I landed in some foreign land on a dirt path surronded by beuatiful trees with a gentle brezze blowing the leafs accross my path. I followed the path up to a pavillion where a man stood facing the opposite direction. He turned around and his eyes lit up with love and he gave me the most welcoming smile. This is when I started crying I don't know why but I just started crying like crazy. Then it ended and I floated back into my original body. This was defenatly the most spirtual experience for me.

3.Sleeping Angel
I had read about this one and I was expecting to fall asleep during the music, but that didn't happen for me. Instead it slowly made me sleepier and sleepier until it was over. Although I did fall asleep very fast afterwards it still didn't work as well as I wanted it to. This will come in handy on the nights I have trouble sleeping.

This one made me feel like a superhero. While listening to the music I felt like my muscles were being pumped full of sterioids and my heart with adrenaline. Afterwards I just wanted to run around and kick some serious ass. This is very good for when you need energy.

Whithin the first 10 minutes of this I was bored. I wasn't feeling anything and I was very dissappointed, but then all of the sudden it was like, "BOOM!" and it felt like an explosion of happiness went off in my brain sending a shockwave of pure ecstasy throughout my entire body. That was pretty much what it was like throughout out the rest of the song.

This was the shit! I felt like my body was swaying like an ocean and then about halfway through I turned into a butterfly and flew with a bunch of other butterflys over a place that looked like rainbow road from Mario Kart 64. Then I was walking down a hall where a bunch of people wearing really wierd masks stared at me as I walked past (that rhymed). When it was over I looked around the room and noticed everything had a purpleish tint to it. Then I walked out of my room, went up to my cat and exclaimed, "I found you kitty! I finally found you!" I had no idea what the fuck I was talking about. This was totally a legit experience and you should check out.

7.White Crosses
I had no idea what was supposed to happen with this one and I'm still not sure if what happened to me was what I was supposed to feel but this was awesome. It was like a light show going on inside of my head. My whole body became numb and my heart started to feel really weird. This was one that I really can't explain so you will just have to go experience it for yourself.

8.Black Sunshine
This is one of those experiences thats terrifying but a good experience to have. I got done with this about ten minutes ago and I'm still shaken by the intensity of it all. This made me feel like my brain was taken out and my soul took its placed, who talked to me somewhere between the middle and end of the dose. My heart started beating so fast that I could feel its beat throughout my entire body. If you are new to I-doser, don't do this one. Wait until your more experienced.
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