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How do you guys feel the effects

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:32 pm
by legalstonerbob
Sorry about the vauge subject title. It seems like i only have full blown effects off of a dose when i black out (best way i can describe it) and wake up partially and most doses feel about the same. Is there something i am doing wrong. Also how do you concentrate on the dose. Sometimes i concentrate hard till i just do that black out thing and i get very mild effects. If i just relax listen hard i usually get nothing. Anyone else have the same problems.....?

Re: How do you guys feel the effects

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:23 pm
by Bloodbane424
Relax a bit while doing them. Let your mind drift with the effects. Sometimes concentrating too hard can make it harder to get the effects because your mind is so preoccupied with actually getting the effects.