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white crosses + obe/astral projection

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:07 pm
by jenlynn90
I saw on here someone made a thread about white crosses and said it accidentally caused an astral projection when he fell asleep using it. So, since no others have succeeded in getting me there, I decided I'd try this while taking a nap. I lay down, but White Crosses on and drift off while trying to keep my brain up as long as possible.

So at one point, like usual I drifted off to that in-between-awake-and-sleep area, then something kinda "jilted" my brain awake, and for some reason I saw the number "21" huge in front of my minds eye I guess. So I stare for about 5/10 seconds and then felt enormous pressure, like my body was falling almost. As this was happening all of a sudden my "spirit" felt like i floated up, probably 6-8 inches above my body. I knew from all my research this was exactly what I wanted and was excited but knew I wasn't really ready and that I'd be afraid. It also felt so crazy and weird that I didn't know how to take it. So I settled back down in my body, but wanted to prove to myself it wasn't a dream, so I did it 3-4 times total, just floated up, then back down.

After this I fell asleep and had a dream that I called my boyfriend and my bestfriend to tell them how excited I was, but everything was off and I was somewhat blind and it was all weird. When I woke up for real for real I knew that part was a dream but the astral/obe part was way way way to vivid to be one, plus the way I felt was so true to what I've heard described.

Anyways, now I'm super excited because even if it was somehow a dream (but I don't think it was) I have a lot more confidence going into this adventure of obes/astral projection. So does anyone else have any experience with astral projecting spurred on because of binural beats or any advice?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:53 pm
by Whowantsfreepuppys
Nice post! Ive only tried astral 2 times and theta once. i might give this a shot.

Re: white crosses + obe/astral projection

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:18 pm
by Th3_uN1Qu3
Well, i wouldn't try it on binaurals. They CAN make you get out of your body, but since they stick to the same frequency for a rather long time you're either gonna drop back into your body or get stuck at a certain point and then wake up.

I'd read more about techniques on how to induce them on your own. I'm no OBE expert but i did it a couple times by myself, just focusing. I had the vibration feelings several times since then, but most of the time i get scared and i'm unable to continue. If you'd like, i can link you to a book that helped me a lot on this matter.