Im 17 and I have ADHD and i started using I-Doser 5 days ago and these are all the effects that ive had:
First I read some reviews about it and decided to try it first for hopefully the best results (I was laying down on my bed with a tshirt over my eyes in the dark, I was using my computer with Logitech G35 gaming headset) I tried my best to concentrate but always seemed to have to itch somewhere but even with me concentrating as hard as I could I ended up with a headache after the dose.
This was my second dose that I tried again hoping for the best results, yet nothing but a headache (same conditions as before).
This is my third dose and the second day, (I read that the more times you do the dose the more likely it well have a effect) Since it being my 3rd time I was able to somewhat relax but I was still frigidity, but no effec and again a headache.
-Black Sunshine:
This was my fourth dose and on the third day, this time I was able to focus and clear my mind with a trick I learned (if I had a itch then I would tell my self to stop!, and I would focus on breathing in through the nose out through the mouth) but still after the dose I had no effect other than a headache again.
-A bomb:
This was the fourth day, Once it got to the middle or so when the pitch goes realy high realy fast I felt like i was being pushed down with G force or kinda like flying in the air realy fast there was also a tingling fealing like numbness along with chills.. This was my first real effect but im thinking maybe it was a place bo. Also I got a headache again.
This I tried 2 times on the fifth day and no effect just a headache.
I then tried it the next day after smoking 2 squares, then doing the dose, to me i felt the most relaxed and meditative I had been, and I started sweating and feeling sick, the dose seemed to go bye realy quick but when it was finished It had no effect but again I had a headache! Whats the deal!!!! any suggestions?
My experiences with I-Doser
Re: My experiences with I-Doser
I suggest you read the I-Doser user guide here:
This contains valuable information on how to achieve the effects you are looking for.
Also - I suggest sitting up in bed while you lay down. This helps reduce the amount of saliva build up in the back of your throat, and you will swallow less, allowing you to stay within a trance.
This contains valuable information on how to achieve the effects you are looking for.
Also - I suggest sitting up in bed while you lay down. This helps reduce the amount of saliva build up in the back of your throat, and you will swallow less, allowing you to stay within a trance.